The Star Wars watching was going nicely. I expected to be able to follow up the Prequel Portion of these reviews in short order. That was not the case, though; as the Rebellion was almost crushed by a foe it had never seen the likes of before:
Harry Potter.
He came from yet another franchise that I had tried to peak my daughter’s interest in for years, which she completely ignored until it came up as part of an after school craft activity. I originally wanted to read her the books before she saw the movies. However, since they planned to watch some of the later films in class, she needed to get caught up right away. We did start reading the books at the same time, and there were enough, “That wasn’t in the movie,” moments in just the first book to guarantee she’ll know which medium Mr. Potter works best in.
Near the end of our magical cinematic journey, her interest in a Galaxy Far Far Away renewed and we were able to finish the saga.
A New Hope