Monday, October 31, 2016

Treklets Season 1.3

The Corbomite Maneuver – Mom Title: "Clint Howard and his Big Head Puppet"

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dracula 1979

Toho’s new Godzilla Resurgence (Shin Gojira for purists) got a recent, week long, limited release in select theaters in the states and I was ready to see it…

At least that’s what the announcement said. What it should have said was, “During this week in the States, in the area you live Godzilla Resurgence will be shown exactly one time when you are otherwise occupied.”

Therefore another classic monster is showing up in this Halloween post (Click here for when I finally saw Godzilla): 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Treklets Season 1.2

The Enemy Within – Mom Title: "Good and Bad Kirk"

Monday, October 17, 2016

Milestone!!!! Stranger Days! Luke Cage!

Holy Monkeys this is the 600th post on this adventure in foolishness.

To mark the occasion, a special reversal:

Normally, I write about introducing my daughter to various films and franchises for “Through a Kid’s Eyes” posts.  But recently the information flowed the other way. 

Coincidentally, while I was watching Luke Cage* and his adventures in Marvel Harlem on Netflix, my daughter was in the real Harlem discovering a different Netflix series.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Circle of Traffic

After several mistakes, mishaps and misadventures I made sure we had the address of the garage we use in Hoboken logged, and the methodology of the metrocard memorized for this year’s trip to Broadway.

Then I found out - with only three days’ notice - that the Path Trains were under maintenance and not running on the 33rd Street line any weekends this fall.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Treklets Season 1.1

“The Man Trap” - Mom Title:  "Salt Vampire"

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Quality All Ages Horror Movies Can Exist!

Though mentally fighting it every step of the way, my daughter is slowly coming to accept she is a major fan of the fun style of horror movies.

Amazingly, wanting to see Van Helsing again as soon as the credits rolled did not tip her off.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Treklets: Where This Man Has Gone Before

Wait a minute!

Just because it’s Golden Celebration, and I’m watching the entire Original Series yet again, but with my family this time, do I really think I can get away with doing another episode list of every adventure of the greatest crew of the Starship Enterprise when it isn’t even the first time my child is seeing this show?

You’re darn tootin’ I do!

Star Trek  has been an important part of my life for a LOOOOOOONG time.  
Since it's been part of my birthdays, I should honor it's.
Thanx for all the cakes over the years mom! 
Even the mini ones were cool!