Monday, October 22, 2012

Bad Geek Confessions: Battlestar Galactica

In 1977 Star Wars opened and blew the minds of we who were at the right age.  This may be hard to believe for the media and Expanded Universe drowned children of today, but minus the toys, one novel and some embarrassing TV appearances (the infamous Holiday Special that George Lucas vowed to smash every VCR tape of with a hammer, and Donnie and Marie which oddly predicted Luke and Leia's relationship on a variety show), there was no new Star Wars for a while.

As hyperactive boys under ten, after having a Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away change our lives, this could have been a giant problem.

The saving grace was a TV series that brought “pseudo Star Wars” regularly into our homes:
Battlestar Galactica.

It was like throwing some stale Twinkies to a starving man.
It wasn’t great.
It wasn’t healthy.
Who knows what went into it.

But it was there, and it gave us the science fiction equivalent of occasional creamy filling goodness.

There was no Jedi or Force, but the focus on a bunch of viper pilots on the carrier like Galactica served as a prehistoric version of Rogue Squadron stories.

The Empire Strikes Back finally gave us the return of true Star Wars in 1980, acting as the final nail in the coffin for the already limping follow up series Galactica 1980.

But in 2003 what has been praised by fans and critics alike as the height of the art of reworking and restarting an old concept brought Battlestar Galactica back to the airwaves.

The question is:
How can one rate the purely emotional ties that developed for a show that served an important purpose in childhood to the far more complex, higher quality and more intricate efforts to create an engaging story and build the franchise anew.

What follows are the complete details of my intellectual, technical and emotional analysis to compare and contrast the impact of the original series to the reimagining of Battlestar Galactica:

Wait, what?

Starbuck’s a girl?!?!

Yeah. I’m done.

And while I’m being irrational, I’d like my chimp in a robot dog suit back, thank you.

Apparently, I haven't fully accepted, "Different isn't always wrong," when childhood awesomeness is involved.


  1. Dude! get past it.
    Starbuck took like two episodes for full adjustments. Though for a while I was a little pissed that all the back males were gone since Boomer became an Asian female and Col. Tigh became a grisled ol' white guy.

    There were many problems with this show but most were because it set the bar high for itself. Overall, it was like a novel where the sentences and paragraphs were fantastic but you had to ignore the incohesiveness of the chapters and the entire narrative.

    Do me and yourself a favor, get the DVD from the library, forget about the pilot/intro movie and watch "33" and "water". It's good tense stuff

  2. No, I will not. For three simple reasons.

    1) I have become more open minded in myriad ways on political and social issues since my younger days, this is my refuge in thick headedness.

    2) I have no room in my head for new fictional universes. There are enough changes that this counts as one.

    Most importantly

    3) It's funnier this way.

  3. But all the women are really hot!!!

    .. I mean, the ideas about individuality and societal identity are deeply explored.

    Plus, .. you know.. robots & spaceships.

  4. Lets see, hot women, robots, spaceships and different classes of society.

    I got that covered with QUARK- the complete series, which will take much less time to watch.
