Thursday, December 26, 2019

Star Wars: The Hoorahs of Skywalker

Really short spoiler free review:
During the film- “Woo hoo!!!!!”  *repeat*

After the film- “Heeeeey…wait a minute.  How… What…?”

During subsequent viewings of the film- “Woo hoo!!!!!”  *repeat*

In other words, it is a Star Wars film.

Slightly longer spoiler free review:

The film had to simultaneously finish up the three film story they were telling now that belongs firmly to today's children, and act as a capstone to the episodes of the 42 year old year old franchise in a way that would appeal to crusty old fans like myself.  It did both remarkably well, keeping in mind that Star Wars should truly belong to the kids, and anything us old farts get counts as gravy.

We did get a lot more than gravy, I just enjoy beating this dead tauntaun.

While the choices made to launch the new trilogy didn’t all line up with the original stories and characters, closure and connectivity was achieved on both levels.  The return of Palpatine, which sounded like it came completely out of left field, is tied in with the new story and provides a strong link to the other eight movies.

The leads introduced in The Force Awakens completed their arcs.  And for us old guys, the original trilogy individuals got fitting tributes, along with some surprise ones. This applies to both the characters and the actors.

Some were acknowledgments of real world, and fictional story endings. Because of the previous two films refusing to shy away from major deaths, this one could tease situations providing tension and leaving the audience unsure about what happened.  There are tragedies, but there are also happy surprises.

In other words , there were manly tears in certain scenes.  There was also the uncontrolled bawling of a seven year old in others.  But there were far more cheers of the kid who was introduced to myth arcs through this series that has grown up into an excited adult (in appearance) audience member.

I'm sure I’ll have a lot to say about spoilers after digesting it a bit more…

And likely seeing it in the theater a few more times. (Woo Hoo!!!)

This one brought home how the Sequel Trilogy lined up with the Original Trilogy in my head:
The first one stands alone the best as a complete story, though bits don't align with what comes after.
The second one has the most character development and is very well made, because it could spend time on things other than a beginning and an end.
The third one is cheer filled, makes me feel the best after watching it, and has the most things that don't make sense when you stop cheering and think about it. (But who cares? Woo Hoo!)

As always, with the new fully interconnected franchise mind set, there were many openings left for story branches in novels, comics, movies, TV shows and lawn sock puppet performances that could take place both before and after Star Wars Episode IX the Rise of Skywalker. 

Oddly, the two movies I would most like to see will most probably never be made:

1)  The Episode IX made logically following the deviation from typical Star Wars expectations set up in Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi that would have led the franchise into unexplored territory.

2) The Episode VIII made that logically connected the far more classic, "feel don't think"  leaning J. J. Abrams made The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker using.   

The new ones are all fun, they all feel like Star Wars, and they mostly fit together in a zig zagging of expectations way …but the alternate universe fan that I am would love to see how a single cohesive vision (or both of the single cohesive visions) would have constructed the story.  

In closing, don't forget to stay to the end of the credits. 

No, there's no scene, nor should there be since this is Star Wars, not Marvel.

The reason to stay is more artistic and indeed more important.  It will be the last chance to hear new Star Wars music composed by John Williams on a theatrical sound system after over four decades of his awesomeness.  Fittingly, he gives the appearance of his name an appropriate flourish.

Spoiler thoughts start here

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