Thursday, October 3, 2024

Dune Part 2 Section C Through a Kid’s Eyes

On Paul drinking the Water Of Life:
Anabelle- “He’s drinking it standing up?
He’s going to be on the floor in five minutes.”
*Paul collapses*
Anabelle- “Called it…
*Paul sees visions of an adult woman*
Anabelle- “Is that his sister?
Anya Taylor Joy?!?!?!
Why is everyone in this movie? I love her.”
Jessica- “Chani, his body is fighting the poison and he needs your help.”
Chani- “You do it. You did this to him. You did this to your own son! You do it! Fix it yourself.”
Anabelle- “Lady Jessica sucks.”
Jessica- *the voice* “DO IT!”
Anabelle- “No way did she just use the voice on Chani. She is the worst.
Wait what is she doing?”
Me- “Mixing the poison left on his lips with water as the antidote.”
Anabelle- “That’s kinda dumb. Since the worm drowned, doesn’t it already have water in it?”
*Paul regains consciousness*
Anabelle- “Punch him in the face!”
*Chani does*
Anabelle- “Yeah!!!!
On Paul’s revelations:
Paul- “I saw our bloodline, Mother. Written across time. You are the daughter of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.”
Anabelle- “What!!! Dude, there’s no way. No wonder she sucks.
So, he’s the heir to both…
I hate this movie.
That was the plot twist of the century.
*thoughtful pause*
His ancestor is the main bad guy. You weren’t kidding about Star Wars stealing from this.”
*The Fremen are all chanting*
Anabelle- “Are they all praying to him? That’s not good.”
Chani- “Stilgar, you can stop this. Do you hear me? You have the power to stop this!”
Anabelle- “I think she’s the only normal one on this planet.  Except the dead one. She was real.”
*Jessica is in full Reverend Mother garb to control the masses*
Rosa- “I can’t see.”
Anabelle- “The Bene Gesserit headgear is out of control.”
Rosa- “Yeah it’s terrible.”
Me- “It gets worse.”
Anabelle- “Oh good.”
*The Fremen all bow chanting “Dune, Lisan al-Gaib, and Muad’Dib”*
Anabelle- “Jesus… 
Paul – “This is my father’s ducal signet. I am Paul Muad’Dib Atreides, Duke of Arrakis.”
*And other impressive speeches*
Anabelle- “Timothee Chalamet kinda bothered me but apparently he can act.”
Me- “Yeah, he killed this stuff.”
Anabelle- “I didn’t think he had this in him. Apparently, he did.
And his little dancing for Wonka. Keeps him balanced.”
On remembering Jessica’s role in The Greatest Showman:
Anabelle- “She’s really good at playing unlikeable people. And she didn’t have to sing this time.”
On Irulian and the Reverend Mother reflecting on Maud’Dib’s victories:
Me- “See, Florence’s head gear had gotten worse.”
Anabelle- “I think the other one was worse. At least this one has some fun going on.
On the complexity of the film:
Anabelle- “This movie is so long.”
Me- “There a lot of stuff happening.”
Anabelle- *whispers* “They could have gotten rid of some of it.”
Me- *whispers back* “They did.”
Anabelle- *still whispering* - “They should have gotten rid of more.”
*Gurney and Paul discuss the Emperor taking the bait*
Anabelle- “I forgot they had atomics. That part was boring.
I do like this movie better. It has more Zendaya and more worms. 
Me- “To get to all this needed set up.”
Anabelle- “Less would have been fine.
I thought it would be all worms.
And there was not a single Spice waterfall. I’m a little pissed about that.”
On the Fremen assault on Arrakeen:
Anabelle- “I didn’t realize worms were part of the attack. There’s so many!!!
Imagine going to war and a wall of sand worms come at you. I’d just lay down.”
On the Baron and Emperor trapped in the Throne Room in Arrakeen:
Me- “Ooh, suspense, who could be at the door?”
Anabelle- *snores*
Me- “You have zero patience for suspense, you know that?”
Anabelle- “Duh. Have you met me?”
*Door banging continues*
Rosa- “Is that a worm?
They can’t fit inside.”
Anabelle- “It’s probably Timothee Chalamet.”
*It is*
Paul- “Grandfather”
Anabelle- “Ew.”
Paul- “You die like an animal.” *Stabs him*
Anabelle- “EEEeeeewwww.”
On the battle outside:
Gurney is cutting through foes including Rabban*
Gurney- “For my Duke.”
Anabelle- “Yeah!”
Gurney- “And my friends!”
Anabelle- “Yeah!
I like him a little now. *pause*
I like these flame throwers too.”
On Baron Harkonnen’s body being left in the desert:
Anabelle- “Oh he’s being eaten by ants.
Oh they’re going in him. Ew Ew Ew.”
On Paul establishing his place in the throne room:
Anabelle- “Is Timothee Chalamet going to fight Elvis now?
Look at his spicy eyes.”
Paul- *between everything else, to Chani* “I want you to know… I will love you as long as I breathe.”

Reverend Mother- “Consider what you’re about to do, Paul Atreides.”
Paul- *Using The Voice* “SILENCE!”
Reverend Mother- *blasted across the room* “Abomination.”
Anabelle- “Ooh! He used The Voice on the fancy one. That’s a power move. Remember when he couldn’t do it.  That was funny.”
Emperor- “As a servant of the Imperium, you will bow at my feet.”
Paul- “Your feet? You’ll be lucky to keep your head. I’ll take the hand of your daughter. She will remain safe. And we will rule together over the Empire.”
Anabelle- “Whoah! ‘I’m gonna love you as long as I breathe.’
Then turns around. ‘I’m gonna marry Florence Pugh.’ Crazy. 
Zendaya’s not gonna let that one go.”
On the climactic Crysknife fight:
Anabelle- “He’s definitely going to fight Elvis.
Now we have to watch this big, long fight and Paul’s gonna kill him and we have to watch.
I will say, the Emperor’s blade is pretty snazzy.”
Gurney- “Do not stain your hands on this animal. Let me deal with him.”
Paul- “It’s my burden, Gurney.”
Anabelle- “I feel like he shouldn’t be named Gurney. It’s too silly.”
Paul- “I’m happy to finally meet you cousin.”
Anabelle- “Ick.”
Feyd-Rautha- “Cousin? Is that right? Well, you wouldn’t be the first relative I’ve killed.”
Anabelle- “Is anyone surprised? No.”
Paul- “May thy knife chip and shatter.”
Anabelle- “Awww, he said the thing.”
Feyd-Rautha- ““May THY knife chip and shatter.”
Anabelle- “That wasn’t as cool.”
*They fight*
Feyd-Rautha- *about Chani* “She’s your pet? Any special attention for the pet?”
Anabelle- “Oh! Don’t say that. This really isn’t going to go well for him.
Pet is crazy, meanwhile he has cannibals in his bedroom.”
*Feyd-Rautha stabs Paul*
Me- “He’s fine.”
Anabelle- “He is SO not fine.
Stop looking at Chani. She deserves better than you.”
*Paul grabs Feyd-Rautha’s knife and pulls it out*
Anabelle- “ew ew ew ew!”
*Paul kills Feyd-Rautha*
Anabelle- “Stabbed with his own knife! That’s a whole mood! Imagine that!”
On reactions to the fight’s outcome:
Jessica- *to Reverend Mother, sadly* “You should’ve believed.”
Anabelle- “’Boo Hoo, I’m so sad my son almost died.’ IT’S YOUR FAULT!”
Irulian- “Spare my father now and I will be your willing bride. The throne will be yours.”
Anabelle- *on the Emperor* “He’s like, ‘Well, shoot.’
Is he Emperor now?”
Me- “If he marries her.”
Anabelle- “Which is probably not the best idea.
Meanwhile Paul is like, ‘I’m just gonna lie down for a minute with this knife hole in me.’”
*Paul thrusts his hand at the Emperor*
Anabelle- “Ooh, He wants him to kiss his hand. Crazy move.
He’s hesitating, no, oop, there he goes.”
*Paul’s mother looks impressed*
Anabelle- “You did this Jessica, stop looking so surprised.”
*Zendaya leaves the room*
Anabelle- *stands up, wild cheering and applause* “That’s your fault, Paul, don’t look sad.”
Gurney- “My Lord, the Great Houses have answered. They refuse to honor your ascendancy.”
Stilgar- “We await your orders, Lisan al-Gaib.”
Paul- “Lead them to Paradise.”
Anabelle- “That’s bad right? That seems very bad.”
On final reactions:
Alia (the Fetus)- "What is happening mother?"
Anabelle- “Whoah! STOP! Put that away!”
Jessica- “Your brother attacks the Great Houses. The Holy War begins.”
Anabelle- “Yes. Nice job there, Jessica.”
*Zendaya calls a worm to get as far away as possible*
Anabelle- *more cheering*
Rosa- “She’s leaving?”
Anabelle- “Yes. She fought for her people, but now they all fight for Timothee Chalamet.”
Rosa- “Good for her."
On overall review:
Anabelle- “I liked them. They were fine.
But I don’t need to see them never again unless I have five years free.”


  1. i wish i could slap timothee chalamet

  2. Yes, Anabelle you made that clear repeatedly, thank you again for making this this fun trip.

    And thank you for the song sandworm!
