Monday, June 5, 2017

Anabelle and Daddy Ad-veeeeen-tures! Yeah! *Jazz Hands* Day 22 –August 9

A Calm and Controlled Final Evening…NOT!

I fell out of bed after about three hours, dragging all the sheets with me, and deposited them in the washer on the way out.   The bulb in the downstairs hallway blew as I passed through; unleashing the second electrical based staggering display of profanity in less than eight hours.

I have no memory of it, but somewhere between bedfall and washer, I got dressed. I only know this because no one screamed when I showed up at the cubicle office to spend my first full day there in weeks.

Anabelle slept late after her cake and mystery accompanied insomnia.

Rosa slept as little as or less than I did in the throes of pulling a mix of what she brought down, and what she wanted to bring back that was already down, together.

Anabelle took a ride to her cousins’ physical and joined them for a Friendly’s lunch afterwards, while I hit the cafeteria salad bar.

Yeah…that’s fair too. 

I picked her up on the way home and we initiated the final phase of Operation
Mami’s on the Way MASSIVE Cleanup

Throughout our tasks the levels of crazy hungry we hit shortly after arrival blossomed mightily, making the evening festive for everyone involved.  I’m not sure why, we ate some sort of dinner somewhere, but it’s yet another item gone from my head in the whirlwind of cleaning.

We took a test drive of Mami’s car out to the supermarket to make sure it would be ready for the airport jaunt.  My car gets better mileage, but holds far less luggage.

Or as my daughter is fond of reminding me, “It’s teeny!”

It says a great deal about our muscle sedan and truck filled roots that she can consider a four wheel drive V6 SUV, “teeny.”

We grabbed everything on the list Rosa wisely e-mailed up to us instead of trusting me to have a clue what we needed.  Gassing up her car and picking out flowers and other surprises for her return were additionally required.

We also tried to call her to get clarification on some items, where an intercontinental phone delay added to the crazy hungriness in both hemispheres to increase the level of festiveness of the call above the already high levels.

Her redeye flight was slightly delayed. We tried to tell Abuelita, but consistent with everything else that night, her phone was having issues. 

Therefore every time she answered it, the delay coupled with volume issues meant she hung up on her yelling Granddaughter.

Yes, we were getting some mighty interested looks at the cold cut counter.

We returned home with all the needed essentials, and cleaned a bit more, returning the beds to a fully made and pristine state for the first time since taking Rosa to the airport.

Most nights the decision between “Make the bed” and “collapse into the bed” required zero thought.

There was one essential we forgot on our shopping trip between list confusion and phone troubles.   We forgot to buy food for ourselves.

I had a late night peanut butter, cream cheese and jelly sandwich, while Anabelle had some crostini.  (Or “toast with stuff on it” as those of us who live in the real world and don’t host a show on Food Network call it.)

We were stupid tired, making Wayne’s World a perfect selection. 

Teenagerness reared its ugly head when she was hysterical laughing during the entire picture, and then stated, “Weird and never again.”

At least she learned where “Not,” “No way…Way!”  “Cheah right, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!” and other intellectual phrases I use came from.

With the beds looking nice for the first time in almost a month, we refused to mess them up.

We each grabbed a throw kept downstairs usually for sick days on the couch and slept on top of the covers while waiting for Mami to come home.

Wow, I was hoping for something more appropriate for post number 666.  Oh well, I guess I've had enough random horror posts for no reason to balance it out.
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