Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dune Part 2 Section A Through a Kid’s Eyes

There is more riffing on this film, because Part One tended to be general comments on the mythology, characters and setting while Dune Part 2 was far more interactive.
On continuing the journey:
Me- “Are you ready for Part 2?”
Anabelle- “Yeah”
Me- “I sense you’re not enthused.”
Anabelle- “I just wanna see a worm.”
On the Emperor:
Anabelle- “Is that Christopher Walken?”
Me- “Yeah.”
Anabelle- “What is he doing here?”
Me- “Emperor.”
Anabelle- “Ah.”
*He is talking to Baron Harkonnen*
Anabelle- “I hate that guy…
I forget his name.”
On Paul talking to a fetus for no explained reason, yet:
Anabelle- “What is this?”
Me- “His sister.”
Anabelle- “I got that. I thought he was dreaming again. Ugh.
Ooh Zendaya!!!”
On the Harkonnen attacking the Fremen Paul and Jessica met in the last film:
*Stilgar makes a “bird” noise*
Anabelle- “What was that?”
Me- “A signal.”
Anabelle- *train sound* “Woo woo! That’s what it sounds like.”
*the Harkonnen’s hunt a bit*
Anabelle- “This is kinda boring.”
*The hidden Fremen start a thumper near the Harkonens*
Anabelle- “Oh God, they’re calling a sandworm. It’s gonna munch them up!”
*A Harkonnen is sighting on Paul, Jessica bashes his head in with a rock*
Anabelle- “Yeah! So true. *Pause* I think he’s dead.”
On harvesting the water of the dead:
*They stab the thing that sucks the water out into the guy*
Anabelle- “Ewwwww”
Me- “Water is important.”
Anabelle- “I know but… eeww.”
Rosa- “Is he dead?”
Anabelle- “He is now.”
*The Fremen start another thumper*
Anabelle- “Ooh! Little worm snacks.”
*They secure the drained water*
Anabelle- “How do those work?”
Me- “Like the thing in the Adam West Batman movie, I think.”
Anabelle- “You can shut up now.”
On Rabban “The Beast” Harkonnen’s displeasure at not being able to control the Fremen:
Rabban- “Rats! Hairy rats! Kill them! Kill them! Kill them all! Kill them all! Rats!”
Anabelle- “I thought he just said ‘rats’.”
Me- “I believe he did.”
Anabelle- “They have rats here too, or are they just big versions of the jumping mice?”
Me- “One would assume.”
On the Fremen returning to the Seitch with Jessica and Paul:
Stilgar- *gutteral noises*
Guard- “more guttural noises*
Anabelle- *coughs loudly* “Oh, he must be home.”
On the varied names and roles Paul acquires:
Anabelle- “Wait, what does Mahdi mean?”
Me- “Messiah.”
Anabelle- “I thought that was the other one. What’s Lisan al-Gaib?”
Me- “Voice from the other world.”
Anabelle- *rolls eyes* “Whatever.”
On Stilgar wanting Jessica to become their Reverend Mother
Paul- “Look how your Bene Gesserit propaganda has taken root!”
Anabelle- “Okay, that was crazy. Maybe don’t say that where they can hear you.”
Stilgar- “Because you are Bene Gesserit. Because you understand the prophecies. The mother of the Lisan al-Gaib will be a Reverend Mother. Our Reverend Mother is dying.”
Anabelle- “A prophesy! This is just like the Lorax.  I said this in the last movie.”
Jessica- “You believe in Paul?”
Anabelle- “I don’t. He’s whiny.”
Jessica- “What If I refuse?”
Anabelle- “We suck all the water out of you.”
Stilgar- “Mmm. Then, he’s not Lisan al-Gaib, and you have no purpose to serve. What else is left to do then but to return your water to the well?”
Anabelle- “Called it.”
Jessica- “Reverend Mothers are tasked with holding the memories of all the Reverend Mothers that came before them, so I’ll be given centuries of pain and sorrow.”
Paul- “Is it dangerous?”
Jessica- “It’s lethal for men. That’s for sure.”
Me- “Except the Kwisatz Haderach.”
Anabelle- “What does that mean? How can he be all these things?
Pick a word!”
*Paul is told the Southern tribes believe more strongly in these tales*
Paul- “What about him?”
Chani- “Stilgar?” (Played by the very Spanish Javier Bardem)
“He’s from the South. You didn’t notice his accent?”
Anabelle- “Jeeze, I hate this movie.”

On Jessica surviving the Water of Life Ritual and becoming a Reverend Mother:
Stilgar- *Fremen language* “The Mother of the Lisan al-Gaib shall survive the Holy Poison and She did. As written!”
Chani- *Fremen language* “Her people wrote that!”
Anabelle- “Thank you, Queen.”
Chani- *Fremen language* “Arrakis must be freed by its own people!”
Paul- “She’s right. She’s right! It’s no miracle. My mother was trained to do that. Poison transmutation is something advanced Bene Gesserit can do. I’m not the Mahdi. 
I’m not here to lead.”
*Fremen language* “I’m here to learn your ways.”
Anabelle- “He’s been doing his Fremen Duo Lingo.”
Stilgar- *Fremen language* “The Mahdi is too humble to say He is the Mahdi. Even more reason to know He is! As written!”
Anabelle- “Oh Christ, I hate this movie.”
Rosa- “So, there’s two groups?”
Anabelle- “Yes. The crazy people… and Zendaya.”
Paul (about his unborn sister)- “How is she?”
Jessica- “She was frightened but now she’s okay.”
Rosa- “How does she know it’s a girl?”
Anabelle- “They can decide.
She was supposed to have a girl before, but she had this clown and now there are movies.”
On Chani trying to teach Paul the proper sand walk:
Chani- “You sandwalk like a drunk lizard.”
Me- “Chiun in the desert.”
*Chani demonstrates*
Paul- “Now, that’s interesting because in the filmbooks I’ve studied, the anthropologists say, in order to properly sandwalk, you actually have…
Never mind. Please keep going.”
Anabelle- “He is CLEARLY the stupidest man on Earth.”
Me- “Arrakis”
Anabelle- “Shut up.
Anyway, there’s no way he’s the Lisan al-Gaib.”
On the Fremen attack on the Harvester:
Anabelle- “What’s that?”
Me- “The Harvester, for the Spice.”
Anabelle- “Ooooh. The Spice catching ship.
I didn’t recognize it because I don’t care.”
*The Fremen emerge from under the sand and attack*
Anabelle- “I like their sand snorkels. They’re very fashionable.”
On the celebration after the successful attack:
Chani- “Who taught you to fight like that?”
Paul- “My old masters.”
Chani- *Shrugs*
Paul- “They were close friends. They were massacred. Alongside my father.”
Anabelle- “Ha ha. Way to lighten the mood.”
*They welcome Paul into the Fremen and insist he needs a name*
Anabelle- “So, this is like Spanish class where you pick a name.”
Stilgar- “I see strength in you, like Usul, the base of the pillar. Come, come.
You shall be known among us as Usul.”
Anabelle- “He has too many names.”
Stilgar- “Usul. And now, a Fedaykin is a fighter and needs a war name. You must choose.”
Anabelle- “ANOTHER ONE!  Too many names!”
Paul- “How do you call the, uh… The small desert mouse, again?”
Stilgar- “Muad’Dib?”
Paul- “Muad’Dib.”
Anabelle- “Aw you’re so quirky and fun. 
I hate him.”
Stilgar- “No, no, no. shhhh
Muad’Dib is wise in the ways of the desert.
Muad’Dib *dramatic pause* creates his own water.
The constellation that points to the North Star, we call Muad’Dib. ‘The One Who Points the Way.’ That is a powerful name. Now you are our brother. Mmm. Paul Muad’Dib Usul.
Anabelle- “You know, I used to like him. [Stilgar] Now I hate him.”
*The Fremen line up to address Paul by his new name*
Chani – *throaty whisper* “Usul”
Anabelle- “That was gross.
AND she cut the line.”

Click to continue

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