Monday, July 22, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 10 - Happy "Ending"

This happened.
Shriek, (2021) the character that finished the Maximum Carnage group was part of the Armadillo build a figure wave. Sadly, that wave was mostly themed on Spider-Man No Way Home and prices skyrocketed immediately, preventing any addiction based expansions like what happened with the Controller. Being Spider-Man based figures, they are also unlikely to drop leading to a Shang-Chi like event.
There was one exception in the wave- a cool looking vampirey guy whose price fell in the opposite direction. While he was nifty looking, I didn’t remember who he was…but I did keep an eye on him.
As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.
Thanks to a Great Spidey Convergence:
I started playing the PS5 Game which led to watching the Nineties animated series while exercising and finally getting around to reading all of the Spider-Verse comic books.
I remembered who he was: Morlun (2021) from “The Other” story I accidentally added to my comics collection several years ago when I decided I wanted to read Peter David’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man run.
As should be crystal clear by now, I do have SEVERAL problems.
I was planning on asking Anabelle or Rosa to order Morlun on their Amazon Prime account. (I have been banned from getting my own free trials of Prime due to repeatedly messing up the unsubscribe date and/ or thinking it was a free trial when it wasn’t.)
However, before asking, I decided to check on eBay for a “loose” (no package) one. Attaining the MASSIVE Armadillo build a figure was, sadly, impossible. Sometimes savings can be made that way.
I saw a listing ending the next morning for four loose Spidey related figures, including Morlun, with minimal bidding.
The total listed was low, but I knew auctions usually spike at the end. With the characters contained in that listing I expected it to launch into the stratosphere overnight.
When I woke up for the usual reasons at my age in the middle of the night and saw the maximum bid hadn’t changed much, I figured “what the heck?”
I put in a bid that would max out at one dollar less than the initial Hasbro price jump to fifteen dollars per figure. (Yes, I am still annoyed at the price raises, and still maintain an irrational expectation that action figure prices should be at Toy Biz levels. DO NOT get me started about the “Ultimate Figures” idea that makes dolls from 1982’s Conan the Barbarian sell before any increases at over fifty bucks each- meaning they will never get anywhere near my home.)

Yes, I'm sure it is a gigantic shock that my addiction (and ability to find sales has) spilled over, outside of the Super Hero Genre.

As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.

Back to the Super Heroic Triumph- I would have expected the price to top out well above double what I bid based on only two of the figures.
Much to my surprise, a “you had the highest bid” email arrived while I was getting ready for work the next day!
They came in excellent condition.
Frankly, I’m still stunned.
The figures were:
Note- Once more, bask in my excellent photomanipulation skills.
Morlun (center)- Looking spiffy!
Spider-Man in Armor (left 2022) - from the one issue he used it in the Nineties, (the time period my collection originally targeted) plus some What If?s. 
I didn’t know there was a figure of him! How about that?
Boxed, he runs at normal (too high, dang it!) current Marvel Legends prices.
The Shocker (right- possibly 2022 but could be an older Spidey Classics version, who knows? Who cares?)- a later Sixties Lee-Romita Spidey villain in a fairly striking yellow and brown outfit. (They made fun of his name in Spider-Man Homecoming I saw him once, in 2017 (maybe?) full price, in a drug store. (The same chain that once, and only once, had a huge sale on Spidey related Marvel Legends that no one who worked there could understand, sending me driving and explaining all over the county.) I’ve never seen him in a store since then and never seen him on sale online.
Finally and most awesomely:
2022 from the two pack with Silk (I only know who she is from my recent foray into Spider-Verse comics.)
He’s in his classic comic book style look, the best one for my set. He's not the animated one, not the movie version, and not that super ugly one (2004) I left in K-Mart years ago. Every version I’ve ever seen in my seemingly endless hunts usually sells for $40-$50 loose and on their own.
Stack Up!
No wonder they didn’t have a battle cry.
In any event, Woo! They’re all together!
The foes of Spider-Man shelf finally looks finished.
Until I find someone else anyway.
As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.

And happy or not, there's really no such thing as an ending...
Crosshair- 2023. Nemesis of Hawkeye from his VERY FIRST solo comic, and leader in those comics of a band of juggling supervillains ("The Death Throws") which will in all likelihood NEVER be made in to figures. 
But better safe than sorry.

Farewell until they're added to again!

Bonus - Preview of an upcoming story.
Here's the Marvel Characters we met in Disneyland...
Except for Ms. Marvel because there was no way Anabelle was going to extricate her from her bedroom shelf. Once the story comes, it will be obvious why she chose to hide some of them in the back.

Huh... 147 pictures. It's amazing when my brain comes up with an idea it doesn't tell me about.


  1. "The Shocker" Ha ha ha ha (forever 15 years old)

  2. I am not anonymous! stop trying to erase my identity blogger!

  3. It's got some weird issues. Yeah, even in the land of Spidey villains, that's a pretty goofy one.
