Monday, March 10, 2025

Transformers Rewatch Original Season 2B

The Immobilizer
Bumblebee is playing a video game for hours. Prime’s going to kick your can Bee.
Carly!!!! About time she showed up. Wow, she’s hardly in any of these, is she? Way to ignore bringing in all the young and early teenage girls to watch the show.
I believe the interaction with the stunned cop reacting to giant robots at the cross walk is based on Frosty.
So… the Autobots have no way to detect when there is a tracker attached to them. That seems like a design flaw.  
Ironhide has just mistaken a five foot tall girl for a Decepticon. No wonder he has an existential, old man crisis.
The Decepticons fell in the river, OH NO!  Wait, don’t they live in the ocean and fly out underwater all the time?
Ironhide- “I’m retiring.”  Prime – “Eh. Ok” Way to lead Optimus. And yet, Ironhide is still with them when they roll.  (Right, don’t mention the art errors. It is SO hard.)
Hey, Carly is going to Cybertron. Because she’s just as stupid as Spike. What a couple they’ll make! 
See good guys? Decepticon headquarters has scanners and alarms. Maybe you should invest in some too? Other than just leaving Ironhide moping around in there.
Oh wait, Carly is the only one that has an idea. They WILL be a good couple. Her idea is to “reverse polarity,” a classic.
And we have more proof that the Autobots all have radios, which they will continue to forget constantly.
They’re reversing polarity with jazz music. OK, whatever works.
Bumblebee plays Cyrano for Spike. She liked Bee first anyway.
Autobot Run
Having the Autobots in a public charity race is Chip’s idea. So much for being a genius. Laserbeak is watching the kids, because Megatron knows who is really in charge.
Today the Decepticons’ science project is a ray that prevents transforming. 
Never mind. 
Besides that, Megatron, don’t the Autobots usually kick your butt as cars?
Wait, how did Chip and Spike set up this whole charity race with sponsors and crowds and locations in an hour?
All of a sudden Autobots have really weak tires and radiators. Maybe it’s a side effect of the anti-transformation ray?
Soundwave destroys their radios… which they never use anyway. Way to waste energy Soundwave.
More stellar planning from Cybertronians. Instead of using the Constructicons to form Devastator and crush all the stuck Autobots, Megatron has them build a fancy, practically dancing, car crusher to take them out one at a time. 
Also, the Autobot car forms are suddenly very tiny. (Don’t mention the art errors, Jeff.)
Hey! A rare Roller sighting!!!!! He distracts the bad guys a lot. They must not be used to him either. 
Oh good, they brought Spike and Chip into combat… Again. 
Oh crap. Ravage may have just killed Chip.
Cliffjumper takes on Devastator and continues to be useless. 
In the middle of this big battle, the Decepticons completely ignore their new weapon which has proven very effective even with countermeasures available. 
I think they’ve been hanging with Autobots too long. 
Or Earth makes you stupid.
Atlantis Arise
Soundwave’s gang have found Atlantis. I forget all the non-Transformer weirdness that builds up as the show progresses. 
Oh sorry. They found "Sub-Atlantica"… 
Where there are fish people... 
Telepathic fish people. 
So much weirdness.
Spike is playing football with the Autobots, against the Dinobots. Maybe it is safer to take him into combat. 
There they go, off on a mission. Spike- “Hey, wait for me! I have a death wish!”
Autobots can swim and submerge, which makes me wonder about those times they fell in a river and stopped working.
Oh good, not only is Spike there, but he’s also wearing a Speedo. I didn’t need to see that. He is however, clearly in charge.
The whole of Sub-Atlantica city is a giant craft and their other ships dwarf the Decepticons. Plus, their pistols can take out a Cybertronian in one shot. Why did they need to ally with Megatron?
Fight in Washington DC! Bumblebee punched out Starscream! You are a warrior, Bee.
Gotta say Megatron, dumping the statue to sit in the Lincoln Memorial is a power move.
Spike keeps extra clothes in Bumblebee… yeah that’s creepy.
The Dinobots are really terrifying. Grimlock took multiple Megatron blasts with no effect at all. Wheeljack is clearly insane. 
Oh no! Megatron knocked down the Washington Monument. But it’s fine because Prime and Grimlock caught it and then “welded” the free-standing stone structure back together. Maybe we should keep people from standing next to it from now on.
Meanwhile, the entire city of Sub-Atlantica is in jeopardy. Rumble (Cassette) is going to save everyone though. Way to go little guy! Oh, never mind, the Autobots blew it and the whole city went “BOOM!!!”
Holy crap! The Sub-Atlatnicans all died! That's pretty dark for after school.
Day of the Machines
Megatron’s gun form is hiding in a violin case. I think he’s seen too many Earth movies. Nice, Artificial Intelligence with a giant pink face that will create more Vehicons (getting ahead of myself) for the Decepticons. 
“Robots building robots is bad” is a truly odd message for this show.
This whole episode is using the plot of Superman III.
The Autobots head out and Spike yells, “Let me go too!” Prime’s whole body language says, “Eh. Maybe he’ll die this time.”
Oop! They’re calling the Dinobots again. Surely relying on them after keeping them locked up won’t bite them in their metal behinds in five episodes.  
Hound, Skyfire and Spike are gonna hide and sneak attack. Maybe bring Mirage for that since he can turn invisible? Just a thought.
Spike got captured. What a shock! But Spike has a plan. Oh good.
Wait. The Pink Faced Artificial Intelligence can control Autobots too? I have questions. 
Optimus Prime, leader, warrior and Master of Sleight of Hand. 
Hey, wait. (some more) If Megatron can control the chips directly, why did he need the Pink Faced…?  Oh, forget it. 
Spike’s plan: There is a Ginormous directional magnet in the next room that Megatron forgot about. Gotta say, Soundwave’s panicked voice is hilariously subtle. 
Another giant base blown up in the ocean. I think we need the Autobot Garbage Truck and clean-up crew again.
Scientist who invented the Pink Face-- “Like all machines, it was unreliable.” DUDE! Read the room!
Enter the Nightbird
The Autobots FINALLY made an alarm for the Ark after eighty-seven break ins.
Wheeljack and Ratchet are horrible, ragging on the Earth technology robots. Considering you guys built the Dinobots that almost killed you all and destroyed your home, maybe put a cork in it?
The scientists invented the Nightbird- the First Female Ninja Robot. That’s kinda specific. Should we be worried about Male Ninja Robots? 
Oh, it’s not for assassination, professor? Then why is it a ninja?
The Decepticons have carved a giant logo in the desert. Surely their base will remain well hidden.
Aaaaand the new Ark alarm doesn’t work …at all.
The Nightbird stole one memory chip and Teletran-One shut down completely. Aren’t you all from the sentient machine planet? That seems like a major design flaw.
Hey Wheeljack and Ratchet! She’s not so primitive now that she’s beating the crap out of all of you? Is she? Morons.
And the day is saved, by Starscream. Good thing the Decepticons are morons too.
Ah, a teaser that this awesomely cool robot will return… and then she never does. Alas.
A Prime Problem
Hi, Megatron, have we forgiven Starscream again? Yes, we have.
Is there ever a case in this show where a cassette is non-sentient?
I think there’s only four total types of Decepticon plans.
Whoah, Laserbeak just took out Optimus Prime. Why aren’t Soundwave’s crew in charge?
So… the plan is to make a remote control Optimus Prime. Why did they need a scan?
This is literally the Worst Duplicate Ever. Even the Autobots aren’t fooled by him, and they’re morons. They prove their moron-ness by demanding a series of physical comparison tests with what they have already identified as a physical duplicate of Prime.
Dang, Laserbeak took out Starscream too. Do NOT mess with that bird.
Wait, they can just laser print an Optimus Prime and a Starscream that’s’ fully armed and under their control. Why are they wasting time with trying to fool the Autobots instead of cranking out a massive army?
Because, as noted, the Decepticons are morons too.
Why do the Decepticons escape? Because they caught Spike…Yet again.

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