Monday, July 24, 2023

Golden Voyage of Sinbad Through a Kid's Eyes


On me identifying the homunculus flying over head: 
"It's a spiky bird dragon!"
On "Arabic" fashion in the big town square scene:
"Those pants are hideous. 
That applies to all the pants in that shot."
On Seventies color processing:
"Sinbad's eyes are VERY blue."

On the other franchise titles:
"Why did they start with the seventh voyage?"
On praying to Allah that he was not heard:
"Hate to break it to you bestie, but the spiky bird is there."

On the use of "chart" on a ship:
Anabelle- "Why didn't he say map?"
Me- "Because on a ship, it's a chart."
Anabelle- "No it isn't. Look, it's a map."
On trying to stop the "spiky bird thing:"
Anabelle- "Step on it!"
Rosa- "He can't, it's in a different shot."
Anabelle- "Oh yeah."
The "spiky bird thing" is identified as a homonclunous:
Anabelle- "It is a homonclunous."
Me- "Yes, I said that."
Anabelle- "I thought you were making stuff up."

On Anabelle standing there arrogantly with her hand on her hip:
"You're missing my Sinbad impression."
On the introduction of the leading lady:
Anabelle- "Who's the naked girl?"
Me- "Caroline Munroe, you saw her in the Mystery Science Theater where she went into the ship during the 'Complete Stranger's UFO' song."
Anabelle- "She was naked in that too."
Me- "Mostly naked. She refused any movie or job throughout her career with nudity in it."
Anabelle- "Nice."

On Sinbad's new travelling companions:
Father- "This is my son. He’s a waste."
Anabelle- "Take him with you."
*Caroline Munro reenters*
Anabelle- "Is that the naked girl? 
She’s a little less naked now. Not much, but still. 
Now he’s going to take the useless son.
The useless son looks like... 
*we both forget the reference, my fingers are really too big for taking notes on a phone*
but in ugly pants."
On the forearm grasping, manly handshake:
"That was cool."

On the Vizier in his mask:
*Laughing* "He's just standing there."

On any or the frequent times Tom Baker goes wildly over the top:
"Ah yes. This man should play Doctor Who.
 Why does he only speak in proverbs"
On the launching of the voyage:
Anabelle- "Where’s the useless son?"
Sinbad- "We can afford no laggards."
Anabelle- "Cue the son!"
*he stumbles into shot*
Anabelle- "He sucks."
*Useless son asks how to get to the crow's nest*
Sailor- "That’s what you climb." *grasps rope ladder*
Anabelle- "That's terrifying."
On Sinbad telling Caroline Munro there will be no slavery:
Anabelle- "A king!"
Sinbad- "Fetch me a drink."
Anabelle- *Offended snort*
Sinbad- "Please."
Anabelle- "Better, Sinbad.
And she's wearing clothes!"
*Sinbad mentions "a woman's gifts"*
Anabelle- "Shut up, Sinbad."

On Tom Baker's incantations to animate the figurehead:
Anabelle- "Oh, I too cast spells by chanting my name.
Is that going to come to life? 
'Cause it’s in a different shot.
I think I’d throw myself overboard."
Me- "I knew 'Knock Knock' always reminded me of something."

On me pointing out, again, that this was why Tom Baker was cast as The Doctor:
"I don’t believe you. I don’t see it."
On Tom Baker getting older when he casts spells and his outfits:
"Like every other story ever.
Why is he always wearing the most extravagant things?"
On the close up of the Homonclunous:
"That is the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. 
Why is it mooing?"
On useless son saying he has a heart full of bravery but cowardly legs:
On them wondering where to go:
"How about the mountain with the big Doctor's face on it? 
Is that why they cast him?"
On entering the cave of the Oracle:
Anabelle- "It Looks like the Tiki Room."
 *they keep talking about the Oracle*
Anabelle- "But what is it." *Repeated*
 Me- "Holy crap, it's Robert Shaw!"

On Tom Baker aging more every time he magics:
"Is he gonna end up getting all icky? 
As one does?"
On the natives arrival:
Me- "Huh, green people."
Anabelle- "I see. I wasn’t going to say anything.
What is that?"
Me- "Natives."
Anabelle- "No that." *points to Native Leader*
Me- "A native with a big hat."
Anabelle- "What in the hell is going on?"
On the animation of Kali:
"That makes me uncomfortable."
*Mimics head gyrations*
On Tom Baker proclaiming "I SHALL FIND IT!":
"Bestie, you’re up here *holds hand way high*
and need to be here." *holds hand at torso level*
"Why is his belt so big?"
 *Tom Baker says "I WILL NOT BE DENIED"*
"Bestie, sounds like you’re being denied."
On the fight with Kali:
"Why did he give the useless son his scimitar?
Oh, I didn't realize realize Sinbad also had a scimitar."
*he is knocked down*
"Oh the worthless son is dead. Darn.
Sinbad is sweaty."
*he gets up and proves himself in battle*
"Get ‘em worthless son!!!
Haroun! (Worthless son's name)
And he’s not wearing ugly pants!"
On the Natives again:
"Why are these people green? Let’s unpack that."
On mishearing over the top rantings:
Anabelle- "Why does The Doctor want untold leeches."
Me- "Riches"
Anabelle- "Ah."
On selective makeup choices for Caroline Munro:
"Her boobs are all sweaty, and her face isn’t.
And why do all of these type movies end with a woman chained to a rock?"

On the One Eyed God:
"What is it?" *over and over*
*it is revealed as a cyclops/ centaur*
"How would I ever think of this?"

On one of Sinbad's men getting set on fire:
"He doesn’t look burnt. He looks covered in Cinnabon icing."
On Sinbad leaping into the pit to save Carline Munro:
"Why didn't they throw spears when he slid down. 
They’re not very efficient green natives."
On further review of the Cyclops/ Centaur:
Anabelle- "Who is he?"
Me- "The One Eyed God?"
Anabelle- "Doesn't he have a name?"
Me- "Phil."
Anabelle- "I don't think it’s Phil."
On Tom Baker reaching the Fountain of Destiny:
"I didn’t realize the Fountain of Destiny was a laminar flow fountain.
Will he find Goofy's Foot?
I hope he makes it. I want to know what happens.
OOH! He found crown of untold riches!"
As Tom Baker- "I regret nothing"
"If I was Sinbad I’d walk up and stab him."

On the battle against stop motion Phil:
''Sinbad missed. It's almost like he’s not there."
On another Harryhausen monster showing up to fight Phil:
Anabelle- "What is that?"
Me- "A griffon."
Anabelle- "I guess I meant 'why is that?'
What does this have to do with anything? 
There's too much going on."

On Sinbad and Caroline Munro entering:
"Aww they’re holding hands."
*Phil kills the griffon- she screams unemotionally*
"Whoah, deadpan girl."
On Phil's long and protracted demise"
"Sir calm down. 
He’s being a little dramatic."

On Tom Baker gloating as he turns invisible:
 Oh My God. 
I can see half of you. 
Cut off his head... 
Oh he’s more invisible. 
See that acting."
Tom Baker is stabbed and the Fountain of Destiny turns red:
"Eew ewwww! 
No way he had that much blood. 
It's symbolic maybe?"

On the Vizier being healed by the crown:
"He’s all kingy!
 And his crown looks like a Hershey's kiss.
He won’t have to wear the ugly thing anymore."
*He rewards Sinbad and Caroline Munro* 
"Ok. Yay. He’s a real one."
On the color change in the Fountain of Destiny:
"Somebody peed in the fountain."
On Sinbad's vessel:
"It looks like Jake's ship from the Neverland Pirates."


  1. definitely not anabelleJuly 24, 2023 at 11:37 AM

    wow this person is so funny she is probably the funniest person on earth i would love to be even a little bit as funny as she is

  2. Yes, it's a good thing she is that hilarious...
    otherwise Monday posts would be awful dull well into October.
    Thanx again kiddo.
