Monday, November 6, 2023

Mystery Star Trek Theater II: Khan. Uck!

On comparisons:
Anabelle- “So... is this better than the first one?
‘Cause that’s pretty easy.”
 Me- “It’s usually regarded as the best
Anabelle- “Oh good. It starts right away.
Not a blank screen for thirty minutes.”
*The classic theme plays*
Anabelle- “Hooray! It’s already better than the last one.”
*Title appears on screen*
Rosa- “I don’t like Khan.”
Anabelle- “Neither do I. He sucks.”
*Cheers wildly for each original series cast member as their name appears on screen*
On Saavik’s opening Captain’s Log:
Anabelle- “Dear diary…
I don’t know who this is.”
On the new “Maroon Monster” uniforms:
Anabelle- “I am not a fan of this outfit.
It’s better than the last movie but what isn’t?
I hate the color collars.”
On the reveal that the ship in danger is the Kobayashi Maru:
Anabelle- “Uh Oh.”
On the new character being addressed as “Mister Saavik:”
Anabelle- “Mister?
That’s because Gene hates women.”
Me- “He was ‘kicked upstairs’ and not allowed input on this one.”
Anabelle- “His spirit is still there.”
On Jim’s birthday:
Spock- “I know of your fondness for antiques.”
Kirk- “'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'
Message, Spock?”
Spock- “None of that I'm conscious of
except, of course, happy birthday,
surely the best of times.”
Anabelle- “Awwwww”
Speaker Voice- “Captain Spock, Captain Spock, space shuttle leaving in fifteen minutes.”
Anabelle- “Captain? Slaytastic!”
*Later, Bones comes to Jim’s apartment*
Anabelle- “The civilian clothes are ugly”
McCoy- “'Beware Romulans bearing gifts.' Happy Birthday, Jim.”
Kirk- “Romulan Ale! Why, Bones, you know this is illegal.”
Anabelle- “Illegal? It’s Romulan Ale.
They drank that on the Enterprise all the time!”
On meeting the crew of the Reliant, including Executive Officer Chekov:
Anabelle- “First officer! Woo! And on a science vessel.
Seems like he should have had a blue shirt on Enterprise.”
*The communications officer appears*
Anabelle- “Kyle!! We love you, Kyle!”
Note- There were extended conversations about how crew members wore the wrong colored shirts or didn’t change shirt colors when they were reassigned in the Original Series. This will come up later.
On the Genesis Scientists on Regula 1:
David- “Well, don't have kittens. Genesis is going to work.”
Anabelle- “Check out that guy’s hair. Woo.”
David- “They'll remember you in one breath with Newton, Einstein, Surak.”
Anabelle- “Surak? Isn’t that the guy with the ugly clothes?”

David- “Every time we have dealings with Starfleet, I get nervous.
We are dealing with something that could be perverted into a dreadful weapon. Remember that overgrown Boy Scout you used to hang around with? That's exactly the kind of man...”
Carol- “Listen, kiddo, Jim Kirk was many things, but he was never a Boy Scout!”
Anabelle- “Why does Captain Kirk have a history with every woman in the galaxy?”
On Captain Terrill and Chekov beaming down to the “deserted” planet:
Anabelle- “What ARE they wearing.”
Me- “Space suits.”
Anabelle- “They’re ugly.”
Chekov- “Botany Bay. ...Botany Bay!
Oh no! We've got to get out of here now! Damn!”
Anabelle- “Chekov is always in an ‘oh no’ situation,
Listen to the poor guy.”
Kyle- “Starship Reliant to Captain Terrell, this is Commander Kyle.”
Anabelle- “Why is he British?”
Me- “Irish.”
Anabelle- “OK, why is he Irish? He wasn’t on the show.”
On hopes for a different villain:
Anabelle- “I’m manifesting a Romulan.
Maybe Khan won’t show up.  
It can be someone else’s wrath.”
On reunions:
Khan “I never forget a face, Mister ...Chekov. Isn't it? I never thought to see your face again.”
Anabelle- “You never saw his face. Maybe he was in the bathroom for the parts of the episode we saw.”
Me- “That’s the cannon answer Walter Koenig gives. He said Chekov was in the bathroom a long time when Khan had to go, and when Khan finally got in, there was no toilet paper.”
Anabelle- “I was kidding, but that story totally tracks because I know Chekov so well.”
On the launch of the Botany Bay being listed as 1996:
Anabelle- “That’s old, for these people.”
*glances at me*
“And you.”
On Khan complaining he was exiled:
Anabelle- “Because you suck.
I like his scarf though.”
Khan- “Admiral Kirk
never bothered to check on our progress.”
Anabelle- “Isn’t that Starfleet’s job?”
Me- Maybe they didn’t know, Memory Alpha was destroyed.”
Anabelle- “Kirk logs everything. 
They know his bathroom schedule.”
On Khan lifting Chekov by the convenient handle on the space suit:
Anabelle- “Don’t touch Chekov like that.
Ugh, another rough day for my boy.”
On Khan pulling out the Ceti Eels:
Anabelle- “Oh my God, What?
ew. I beg your Pardon!”
Khan- “You see, their young enter through the ears
and wrap themselves around the cerebral cortex.
This has the effect of rendering the victim extremely susceptible to suggestion. Later…”
Anabelle- “I would assume death.”
Khan- "Madness, and then death."
Anabelle- "See?"
*The eel enters Chekov’s ear*
Anabelle- Come on. Give this poor man a break.
I am not a fan of this.”
Rosa- “Disgusting. I have a thing to do in the kitchen.”
On McCoy’s birthday present to Jim:
Anabelle- “He’s wearing old man glasses because he’s...
Allergic to laser surgery?”
On the crew in the pod flying to the Enterprise:
Anabelle- “We miss Chekov. I hope he’s doing well.
“He’s not…
He has an armadillo in his ear.”
On Enterprise footage:
Me- “These are the same shots of the Enterprise they used in the last movie.”
Anabelle- “No. It’s not the same. This is ‘Two.’
That was ‘One.’
Pay attention.”
On the tour of engineering:
Scotty- “I had me a wee bout, sir, but Doctor McCoy pulled me through.”
Jim- “Oh? A wee bout of what?”
Bones- “Shore leave, Admiral.”
Anabelle- “Did he kill another hooker?”
*Scotty’s nephew stands up for the Enterprise
 suggesting if Kirk can’t see its quality, he’s
“as blind as a Tiberian bat.” *
Anabelle- “Look at that guy’s face. He’s ready for anything.”
Me- *weeps quietly*
On the turbolift:
*Pause movie for explanation to Rosa about how Anabelle only found out on the recent watching of the show That the turbolifts do not only go up and down, but also side to side, and she is not a fan of that*
On coming on to the bridge for the first time:
Spock- “Take her out, Mister Saavik.”
Anabelle- “Again with the Mister. Why?”
Me- “Equality?”
Anabelle- “It’s stupid”
Saavik- “Aft thrusters, Mister Sulu.”
Anabelle- “Maybe go a little faster than last time, Mr. Sulu.
That haunts my nightmares.
The music is more ‘woo hoo’ in this one!”
On Chekov’s stilted call to Regula 1:
Anabelle- “Isn’t there someone on this thing who knows him?
He’s clearly not right.
He might as well have said, ‘By the way, you can’t see Khan standing right next to me.’”
Carol- “Commander Chekov, this is completely irregular.”
Anabelle- “OOH! Commander Chekov! We love to see it.”
*Another scientist appears with a sleeveless shirt*
“Who’s the guy with muscles?”
On Saavik and Kirk in the stopped turbolift talking about the Kobayashi Maru:
Saavik- “May I ask how you dealt with the test?”
Anabelle- “LOL! It was a party.”

McCoy- “Who’s been holding up the damn elevator?”
Anabelle- “I love this man! He always shows up to piss and moan.
I hate his green collar though. It looks Christmassy.”
On the computer with giant light up parts in Kirk’s quarters:
Anabelle- “Those are buttons? For two movies I thought they were some kind of fancy rocks.”
On David complaining after the message to Jim is cut off:
“David is so whiny.
Waa waa waa.
Oh, it’s the muscle guy.”
On Kirk and Spock meeting in Spock’s quarters:
Spock- “If I may be so bold, it was a mistake for you to accept promotion. Commanding a starship is your first best destiny. Anything else is a waste of material.”
Anabelle- “Everybody be saying that.
In the last movie too.
These quarters are very utilitarian.
I like his weird mirror though.”
Spock- “You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours.”
Anabelle- “That was weirdly intimate.”
On Kirk entering the bridge and taking command:
Anabelle- “Wooooo!”
On the Reliant bridge:
Anabelle- “Why is there a Lego on the wall?”
On the collar colors:
Anabelle- “Wait, which color means what?
This is confusing, they should have hired me as a fashion consultant.  
Science and medical are completely different.  
I don’t like it.”
Note- This conversation went on and on after the movies. I offered to get Mr. Scott’s Guide to the Enterprise. (The movies’ “Technical Manual”)
At first she said no, but she kept talking about it.
It was mentioned again walking along the Atlantic City Boardwalk and on the drive home where this came up incessantly.
We finally looked at the book, which led to learning one color definition was “corn.”
Then she spent an evening checking the entire manual for something that was “corn.”
The search was unsuccessful.
Star Trek 2.5 “The Search for Corn”
On Saavik looking stunned when told to take conn while the big three go off to talk about Genesis:
Anabelle- “Noooo, Vulcan’s don’t have emotions.
So what was that?
I’ll tell you. An emotion.”
On the description of the Genesis Device and the example film:
Anabelle- “Genesis doesn’t make any sense. 
Question: Where did the water come from?
Me- “Proteins… or something.”
Anabelle- “I’m ignoring you.
This technology would have been useful on that fake empty Enterprise planet.
They’d have liked it.”
McCoy- “But, dear Lord, do you think we're intelligent enough to...
Suppose, what if this thing were used where life already exists?”
Spock- “It would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix.”
McCoy- “It's new matrix?
Do you have any idea what you're saying?”
Spock- “I was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications, Doctor. As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create.”
McCoy- “Not anymore! Now we can do both at the same time! According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis, we'll do it for you in six minutes.
Spock- “Really, Doctor McCoy, you must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing. Logic suggests...”
McCoy- “Logic? My God! The man's talking about logic! We're talking about universal Armageddon, you green-blooded, inhuman...”
Anabelle- “I’m loving McCoy’s rant.
He’s like, ‘I would like to go back to retirement now.’
Of course, Bones has a problem with it.
We’re like this.” *Crosses fingers*
On the ship Khan stole:
Anabelle- “Reliant is so ugly.:
Me- “Remember, its upside down from the original plan.”
Anabelle- “Oh yeah. That explains a lot.”
On the Enterprise’s damages from Reliant firing:
Anabelle- “Get a grip, you’ve seen a panel catch fire before.
Oh great, there go the engines.
Why didn’t they put the shields up faster.”
Me- “Starfleet regulations.”
Anabelle- “Ugh, Starfleet.
I miss auxiliary control.”
On Khan presenting demands:
Anabelle- “Why does he have that stupid glove still on?”
Me- “The director’s answer was always, ‘Why do you think?’”
Anabelle- “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
Khan- “…in addition to yourself, you hand over to me all data and material regarding the project called ...
Anabelle- “Play dumb, Jim!”
Kirk- “Genesis, what's that?”
Anabelle- “Not that dumb!”
On Kirk asking for the prefix code:
Anabelle- “What’s he doing?”
Me- “Being awesome.”
Saavik- “I don't understand.”
Anabelle- “You and me both girl.”
*Kirk drops Reliant’s shields and Sulu blows the snot out of them*
Anabelle- “Sorry what? You can do that?
That’s crazy!”
*points to Kirk’s uniform flap*
“Fix your shirt.”
On Scotty bringing his horribly burned and scarred nephew on the bridge:
Anabelle- “No!!!!”
“I don’t want to interrupt this moment. 
But I didn’t realize the collars were whole sweaters.
They must all be sweltering.”
On learning Regula is “Class D:”
Anabelle- “D for dead.”
On Saavik inventing General Order 15 so she can go with Kirk:
Anabelle- “She’s silly.”
On the duty jackets put on before beaming:
Anabelle- “Why are they wearing coats over their sweaters.”
Rosa- “Where are they beaming?”
Anabelle- “The ice age, apparently.”
On reviewing the Regula station:
*A rat passes*
Anabelle- “It’s Chuck E Cheese!
What’s that thing.”
Me- “The United Federation of Planets symbol”
Anabelle- “It’s different than your shirt.”
Rosa- “It’s for darts, they take turns.”
Anabelle- “Or maybe…”
*The dead body hanging from the roof falls into view*
Rosa and Anabelle- “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!”
On finding Captain Terrill and Commander Chekov:
McCoy- “It’s all right, you’re safe now.”
Anabelle- “No, you’re not. There’s still an armadillo in your heads.
Hey, his jacket is unbuttoned too. It must be a captain thing.”
On the new communicator design:
Anabelle- “That’s hideous.”
On beaming down by Kirk setting the controls and running to the platform:
Anabelle- “It’s like Mom setting the timer for the camera, but with transporters.”
On the attack by David and the other scientist inside Regula:
Anabelle- “It’s Whiny and Muscles!”
*Chekov and Terrill pull their weapons*
“They told you about armadillos.  
Why didn’t you do anything?  
The new phasers are ugly too.”
*Terrill shoots someone*
Anabelle- “Who was that?”
Me- “Muscles?”
Anabelle- “I think so. Awww.
We lost a real one,”
On Chekov surviving:
Anabelle- “Force that thing out. 
Ew, this is disgusting 
Is there a sick bay? Can we bring him please?”
On Kirk’s call to Reliant and the famous moment:
Anabelle- “Why are communicators so big?
Was this made when there were those HUGE cell phones?  
I miss the small ones that went
Beep be deep be deep boop boop
I thought I did that rather well.”
Anabelle- “You’ve pissed off Captain Kirk, again.
That never goes well.”
On the “family meeting” in the Genesis cave:
Carol- “This? It took the Starfleet Corps of Engineers ten months in space suits to tunnel out all this. What we did in there ...we did in a day. David, why don't you show Doctor McCoy and the Lieutenant our idea of food?”
David- “We can't just sit here!”
Kirk- “Oh, yes we can.”
David- “This is just to give us something to do, isn't it?
Come on.”
Anabelle- “Shut up David.
I don’t like David
I hate the Eighties trend of slutty little waist pants.”
Kirk- “I did what you wanted.
I stayed away. 
Why didn't you tell him?
Carol- “How can you ask me that? Were we together? Were we going to be? You had your world and I had mine. And I wanted him in mine, not chasing through the universe with his father.
Actually, he's a lot like you. In many ways. Please tell me what you're feeling.”
Anabelle- “GASP! [fake and exaggerated]
I remembered that.  
Her outfit is super ugly.”
On visiting the Genesis cave and comparing it to Eden:
Anabelle- “Remember last time they went to Eden and it was all acidy.   
Make sure you have your shoes on.
*to me* Hey, didn’t you call your thing in Minecraft ‘Genesis Cave’?
Was that because of this? You geek.
It has less parrots though.”
Me- “You put them there.”
Anabelle- “Yes, yes I did.
This doesn’t make any sense.
How did it change the rock structure and make water?”
On the time arriving for the rescue:
Kirk- “I don't believe in a no-win scenario.
Kirk to Spock. It's two hours. Are you about ready?”
Anabelle- “McCoy’s like, ‘I love it when he’s weird.’”
On them changing into clean wrap arounds when they beam up:
Anabelle- “I have so many qualms about these outfits.
At least the space pajamas were ugly.
And I still don’t understand the color scheme.”
Me- “I could get my book.”
Anabelle- “I don’t care.”
[Spoilers- She did care.]
*David enters with his preppy sweater around his shoulders*
Anabelle- “Oh good Lord.”

On the tense starship battle in the nebula:
*Very much engagement, very little talking*
On the collapsing bridge on Reliant falling on Joachim:
Anabelle- “Is he dead?
I mean. I didn’t like him but…
On Chekov’s return to the Enterprise bridge:
Anabelle- “Uhura’s like ‘yaaaah!’
He has to tell her about the armadillo in his head at the reunion slumber party.
Yay. Chekov is slaying the weapons control.”
On Khan’s ranting:
Anabelle- “And he still only has one glove.”
On the damage to Reliant and it’s commander:
Anabelle- “Uh oh. One of the skis is gone.”
Me- “Nacelles.”
Anabelle- “It’s a ski.
Oh my! Khan is all crispy.”
*Khan appears later looking even worse*
“He looks a little disheveled.” 
On Khan activating the device:
Rosa- “Is that the auto destruct?”
Me- “No, the Genesis device.”
Rosa- “Oh shoot.”
Anabelle- “This is fine.”
*David is still on the bridge*
Anabelle- “I’m not over his stupid sweater.”
Rosa- “What’s going to happen?”
Me- “The device will turn all matter into new living matter.”
Anabelle- “Which, I feel the need to point out again, doesn’t make any sense.”
On Spock’s final mind meld with McCoy:
Spock- “Remember.”
Anabelle- “Remember what?
That was so fast, usually he’s grabbing their face for an hour,
now he downloaded himself in a second.  
Vulcans don’t make any sense. 
McCoy should have taken Spock’s brain out and remote controlled him in. 
Why don’t the engineering radiation suits have helmets?
Then they could rescue him.
I have big complaints about this.” 
Me- “Then there’s my question of what Spock is doing sticking his hands in there in the first place.”
Anabelle- “Who cares? I’m focusing on safety precautions.”
On Jim finding Spock in the chamber:
Anabelle- “Oh, he still fixes his shirt first.
That hurts.
Why is he green?”
“Oh yeah.”
Spock- “Ship ...out of danger?”
Kirk- “Yes.”
Spock- “Don't grieve, Admiral, is logical. The needs of the many
Kirk- “the needs of the few.”
Spock- “Or the one.
I never took the Kobayashi Maru test
until now.
What do you think of my solution?” *slumps*
Kirk- “Spock!”
Spock- “I have been
and always shall be
your friend.
Live long
and prosper.”
*Hands on glass*
Kirk- *very small* “No.”
*Spock dies*
[Yes, I had to put the whole thing.
If I’m crying, you’re all coming with me]
*Original Series Theme plays softly*
Anabelle- “Not the music. That’s criminal.”
On Spock’s funeral:
*Saavik sheds a tear*
Rosa- “She’s crying.”
Me- “It wasn’t scripted. Kristie Alley was a huge fan.
Director Nick Meyer said, ‘That’s why she’s an interesting Vulcan.’”
Anabelle- “How could you be on set for this and NOT cry?”
*Scotty plays Amazing Grace on the bagpipes*
Anabelle- *bursts into laughter*
Me- “What?!”
Anabelle- “I was not expecting bagpipes.”
Me- “Philistine.”
Anabelle- *Written in my notes- (I am not a philistine 😐) *
On David entering Kirk’s quarters with his sweater still on his shoulders:
Anabelle- *Giggles*
Me- “Ooh, Jim’s grabbing his shoulders. You were right.”
Anabelle- “Yup.”
On Kirk’s entry:
Kirk- “Captain’s Log- Stardate 8141.6. Starship Enterprise departing for Ceti Alpha Five to pick up the crew of the U.S.S. Reliant. All is well. And yet I can't help wondering about the friend I leave behind. 'There are always possibilities' Spock said. And if Genesis is indeed 'Life from death', I must return to this place again.”
Anabelle- “Dear Diary…
Hey, this is the only time he did it in the movie.”
On the crew assembled on the bridge:
Anabelle- *Points excitedly at The Besties*
“Slumber parties must have been dull without Chekov.”
Carol- “How do you feel?”
Kirk- “Young
I feel young.”
Anabelle- “Awwwww”
On the new planet:
Anabelle- “Is this the Genesis planet?”
Me- “Yes.”
Anabelle- “Is it acidy?”
Me- “It is not… acidy.”
Anabelle- “Good…can’t be too sure.
So… they just dropped him there?”
Me- “It was a normal burial in space, the forming planet led to a soft landing.”
Anabelle- “Of course it did.”
On the ending:
Spock- “Space, the final frontier…”
Rosa and Anabelle- “Awwwwwwww” *many times*
Spock- “These are the continuing voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
Her ongoing mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms and new civilizations.
To boldly go where no man has gone, before.”
Anabelle- *Sings operatic part of theme directly in my face*
“That’s what comes after it.
That was very good. Is this the best one.”
Me- “Most people say that…or the whales one.”
Anabelle- “Whales, YAY!”



  2. also can we talk about how mean i was to david i still feel bad about that

  3. That can happen with bagpipes. I think I was too shocked by what happened at the time, while you remembered the tragedy but not the surroundings.

    And we talk about you feeling bad about being mean to David next week.
    Thanx for making this insanity possible, and fun.
