Thursday, June 10, 2021

George Awards: "...And His Criminal Gang."


This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”

This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.
It's time for the Eighth Round of this foolishness!

I figured after this past year, I'd have many perfect reasons to rant a blue streak in print  and kick off the sorta-annual George Awards for Creative Use of Profanity in Film.

I mean, come on!

Blatant anti-intellectualism and science denial by those in authority leading to hundreds of thousands of dead Americans from a virus that could have been slowed by basic practices put forth by the knowledgeable, who were ignored and countermanded for political reasons.

And those same people in power encouraging the belief in a fabrication so far off the mark that judges appointed by the people trying to make that point refused to hear cases over it, yet they still used that falsehood to encourage people (including Nazis*) to violently assault the seat of a branch of our government.

If any period between George Awards has been generating profane rants out of me on a regular basis, its been this one.

But then something else occurred that needs my laser like focus of creative explosions of  swearing even more so.

My daughter posted a Tik Tok video listing the Marvel Cinematic Universe films in the order she enjoys them.

Not based on which should win Oscars.

Not based on artistic merit.

Based on what SHE personally enjoyed.

The video got tens of thousands of views, over a thousand likes and and hundreds of comments.**

She defined most of the commenters as the "Angry White Boy Brigade."

Those commenters went off, criticizing her OPINION and calling it "invalid" "wrong" and "worthless." Using all manner of profanity, disparagement, and general male jerkiness.

This is similar to a teacher handing out a low grade for an opinion that differs from theirs.  However, it is far worse, as the teacher is presumably some form of expert on the subject at hand.

Therefore in response to the "angry white boy brigade" I would like to publicly say:


I know for a fact, based on their comments and the fact that I raised her,  a majority of these assholes don't have the knowledge of the genre and characters a roadkilled squirrel does, nevermind what Anabelle knows.

Her one year old Christmas card was wearing a Supergirl costume surrounded by superhero beanie babies.

Marvel Legends action figures lived in her Fisher Price dollhouse in shifts, with her selecting thematically accurate groups each month.

By the time she could say the alphabet, she could also name about a dozen Green Lanterns.

By age four she was capable of designing her own superhero universe.

In pre-school, she tore the staff of McDonalds a metaphorical new one with a comic book history lesson because the Legion of Superheroes "boy toys" left out founding member Saturn Girl.

She collected all of Tiny Titans and then sought and asked for anything else by the award winning Baltazar and Franco across comic companies.

She saw all the pre MCU Marvel films as they were home released, and some in the theaters, including her first theatrical experience. She's also rewatched some of them more recently and can intelligently compare and contrast them to both the MCU and the source material.

She watched Spider Man and his Amazing Friends in reruns, later Spidey toons on her own, and the X-men Animated series on disc with us.  

She watched much of the DCAU including reruns and discs of the Batman and Superman series. Justice League and JLU, (not to mention Batman Brave and Bold,) were seen both first run and on multiple disc rewatches, plus she's seen many the newer DC Animated films.

Her introduction to "regular" comic books was me reading bedtime stories of Dan Slott's Spidey/ Torch series and the original Secret Wars (introducing her to basically the whole Marvel Universe) followed by the Black Costume Saga.  When those were done, we read the David Young Justice transitioning into the Johns Teen Titans, the Claremont/ Davis Excalibur (with a boatload of cross overs into regular X-books) and multiple other series together. By that point she started reading many by herself.

The first full series of old comics she tackled on her own, following research on The Endless that led to a themed dinner party, was Neil Gaiman's Sandman, which I've seen and heard her discuss at high levels of knowledge and understanding.

She has watched the MCU films, many of them multiple times, and knows the changes and updates from the comics.  She's aware of the in story and real world weird interactions that led to some strangeness for SHIELD, Agent Carter, and Inhumans.  She noticed connections and trends in the latest Disney Plus series faster than I did.

She figured out the best way to find comics she likes is to follow the writer, not the characters,  at an age decades younger than I did. This has led to a substantial collection, most recently skewing toward Marvel. The set includes pulling out every appearance of the Young Avengers and a fair bit of X-men from my collection and adding it to hers since there are times those groups led her to getting more monthly comics than I was.  

She's had three letters published in comic books, two by Kelly Thompson***. (See the writer thing above.)

Thanx to her design ideas and my wife's sewing and construction ability, she's cosplayed for Halloween and other occasions as multiple lesser known characters, impressing the comic book store crowd and confusing normal people.

Much of her wardrobe consists of shirts sporting Marvel and DC characters that fit that description as well.

Her favorite DC group, based on reading the entire Robinson/ Johns run, plus enough other miniseries to fill a long box is the Justice Society. She can appreciate the JSA parts (from her reading) of Stargirl, while still nit picking all the issues.

She was ready to walk out of Man of Steel sooner than I was.  In fact, she all but broke off communications with a class mate who tried to convince her that "Superman shouldn't be a symbol of hope,"  knowing full well that it has always been one of the character's main functions.  

In closing, she knows more about comics, their storylines, tropes, creators and characters than those knuckle dragging, philistine shitheads commenting on her post, who are largely incapable of assembling a complete sentence, ever will.

Come back next week for a George Award for a film series...but with another family touch.


* I'm not accepting any debate on this one. 
You wear a shirt saying the Holocaust wasn't enough, 
you're a fucking Nazi.  
Tough shit.

** At about the same time, I got some pity follows for my tenth anniversary on Twitter and passed the long elusive "60" followers.  
I'm a  whiz at social media aren't I?

***She's also interacted with the writer on social media, 
but I've done that too, so it's clearly not very damn hard.


  1. Yes. Fuck them.

    It's bad enough to not be able to handle someone's opinion but a zillion times worse to be that way towards a very very educated opinion.

    I love her video! I'm starting to finally get into the whole Tik Tok thing, so maybe I will find more of her videos.

    As for Nazis. My parents and certain other family members are very passionate about antisemitism (as in being anti-antisemitism) Yet when our cousin posted an anti-Trump thing with anger about the Holocaust T-shirts, my parents, etc. spent more energy being angry about the anti-Trump sentiments than they did being angry about the Holocaust shirts. (Sorry I just have to vent about that).

  2. Scott thank you for your support, and acronyms. Mom used FAOY as well. Maybe we can start a trend.

    Dina, thank you for your support and compliments. I'm just getting the hang of Twitter so I'm a ways from Tik Tok.

    Vent away! That's what the George Awards are for. I kept the blog profanity free for many years, because I talked about many all ages topics and my daughter was really young when I started. This does not match my normal speech patternes, so I came up with a way to vent and celebrate swearing every year.
