Thursday, December 12, 2024

Christmas Music Trivia!

Christmas Time is famous for two things in our home.
Action Figures and weird music!

To be honest, the whole year is famous for those two things
However, Christmas Time is when we advertise it more.

But first, here's the usual guest writer and figure poser to kick off the season- 
The Marvel Holiday Actors are here as per usual to put on a show, this year bringing to life the Rankin Bass Classic Jack Frost. Since I (Anabelle) hadn’t discovered the absolute MAJESTY that is Jack Frost when we did the Rankin Bass setup that one time, we went full force into it this year. Here are all the roles:
Iceman as Jack Frost - obviously, look at him. (Jeff note- Due to his wintery complexion, Ice Man comes up a lot for these.)
Old Man Logan as Snip the Snowflake Cutter - he is old and short. (Jeff note- He also has claws- *snikt* is close to *snip*)
Tiny Black Canary as Holly - she is teeny and also so dusty from being in the Tundra that is the DC shelves that she looks snowy! (Jeff note- FINE, I'll dust.)
Kraven the Hunter as Kubla Kraus - he has a beard and is menacing. (Jeff note- Also he is the right nationality.)
Baby Groot as Dommy - he is small enough for Kraven to hold. (Jeff Note- "But she doesn't liiiiiiiiiiike youuuuuuuuu.")
Stealthy Iron Man as a K-night - he is in dark armor. (Jeff Note- That's "Stealth Armor Iron Man."  I know... no one cares.)
Franklin the Mule with a Hat on as Klangstomper - he is an equine and I’m traditional. (Jeff Note- It's not Christmas without Mule with a Hat.)
The Grandmaster and Silver Sable as the Pumpkin Peasants (I’m not kidding that’s what they’re called) - they look old and peasanty. (Jeff Note- These took the longest out of all the selections, it's a shame our extensive discussing and rationalizing over who to pick was not recorded.)
Dazzler as Elisa - if you thought there would be a Christmas without Dazzler you thought WRONG. (Jeff note- You forgot to mention the all important to the plot FAMILY DUCK!!!
Anabelle- OMG! How could I forget? ME- You've been busy.)
Golden Iron Man as Sir Ravenal - he’s in gold armor!!!! The perfect role for him to play. (Jeff Note- Thank you Rosa for saying , "Ooh, he's pretty" in the store.)

And last, but CERTAINLY not least… fact he is the best.
Puck as PARDON ME PETE - he is short and also can do the terrifying eye contact pose.
(Jeff Note- Even with fun tack, he falls over CONSTANTLY. Also, the hat falls off. Holiday fun!)

On to the song clues!
I had so much fun doing the Halloween Novelty Song trivia, I decided to do the same for Christmas songs this year. These questions have more information as they were actually planned in advance, as opposed to being hastily thrown together at the last minute in an afternoon haze of raking.

Once again, I find myself unaware of stuff that has been an integral part of my and my child's life growing up are not usually experienced by normal people. These are kind of my favorite Christmas songs, possibly in countdown order.
Not necessarily, though as the order (and in fact the contents) change frequently as the wind blows.

#1- This song is proof that there are some things that are goofy enough on their own, making them nearly impossible to parody. The sort-of-fake band Spinal Tap first appeared five years before the 1984 film that brought them to fame. Spoofing the world of hard rock / heavy metal wasn't easy, because there was virtually no exaggeration between Tap's unscripted antics and the real life adventures of those bands. Their 1992 return album, Break Like the Wind, featured a hard pounding holiday rocker, "Christmas With the Devil." However, two years earlier, one of the masters of the Hard Rock scene since they started in 1973 (and changed lead singers in 1980 without missing a beat) released a lascivious, desire filled Christmas song that was catchier, harder hitting and far funnier than the spoof one. What was this band and song? 
Bonus Question- Regrouping for an album and a few appearances eight years after the film was kind of weird. Why did Spinal Tap reunite in 1992? (As well as pretty much every other time they did.)

#2- Growing up, old time rock and roll was always playing in our house and the car. Therefore one of the first Christmas albums I remember knowing existed was by the King of that genre- Elvis Presley. He had a mix of original, and classic songs. Some were performed straight, and some with a rockin' twist. (Much to my daughter's dismay.) One always stood out to me as being utterly hilarious. It is a growling, twelve bar blues song, backed up by the Jordanaires,  about how cool he was, with some (barely) double entendre about what he planned to do do his lady love on Christmas. It charted at number four when released in 1957 and then the rereleased (seven or eight years later as a B-side to another song from the same album) was certified platinum. What was it?
Bonus- Some foreshadowing- The A side of the 1964 single (from the same 1957 Christmas album) was first heard by many folks of my generation in a 1974 Rankin Bass Christmas special most famous for its sibling driven original song. While this sad number was first recorded in 1948 by Doye O'Dell, it is the Elvis version that is the most famous, and has received praise for including "blue notes" by the back up singers as a musical pun. (Also much to my daughter's dismay.) What's this song of holiday moping?

#3- Monty Pythons Flying Circus is one of many comedy groups I have been a fan of my entire life. (Thanx Dad!) Because of his respect for their brilliance and comedy genius, my father took Jesse and I to the last collaboration of all six of them - and first R rated film I ever saw in a theater - in 1983. The film itself was designed to offend everyone, yet near the end was this Vegas style number. Although it did feature dancers with exposed (plastic) boobs, the song itself was an upbeat, and catchy holiday tune about the fun and joyful parts of Christmas. What is the name, which includes the setting of the end of the film where, "Everyday is Christmas?"
Bonus- This may just be that I'm an idiot (or that I was overly distracted by earlier scenes in the film at age thirteen). Due to a combination of the put on American accent being that good and his wig and make up, it took me years (during which I listened to a recording of the song regularly) and checking the credits when I finally got it on VHS to learn who performed that number. Who was it?

#4- Sometimes Christmas comedy gets gross, or violent, or just plain weird. (At least in our home.) This song about the discovered organ of a Christmas icon is all three. It is also cute, and bouncy and a great deal of fun. This ... thing, by Jason and the Strap-Tones was released on the album Demento's Mementos in 1982. Presumably it is one of the weird and wonderful tunes mailed into the show on audio cassette. (I stand corrected, it was also released as a single on, as God as my witness, "Fred Records." Thank you Jason Lyle [presumably the Jason in question with the Strap-Tones]  ) The good Doctor did not deem it worthy of inclusion on the Christmas Album in his 1985 box set of the Greatest Novelty Songs of All Time, (which I used to introduce multiple Up the Lake generations to weird music) nor the Greatest Christmas Novelty CD of All Time released in 2006. Still, we listen to it in our home every year... leading visitors to say, "What is it?"
Bonus- Speaking of gross Christmas songs, I know two based on flatulence!  Do you?

#5- My absolute favorite Christmas song has been mentioned in several locations and media. That means this is not only a "me" question instead of general knowledge, but it is also not a novelty song or funny...but I need a fifth entry, so there. To me, this is really what Christmas is all about. Santa’s requirements pretty much distil the important part of most religions- caring for others, being non-judgmental and good "for goodness sake" which often get overwhelmed by dogma, threats and rules. This tune comes from the same 1974 Rankin Bass Christmas special, referenced in the Elvis bonus, most famous for an original song. Actually its famous for two performances of that song in a row by two different characters at different tempos. What is my favorite song, not by them but by the title character?
Bonus-  To continue the personal focus... I was four years old when that special came out, and apparently dodged a huge bullet because my Mother informed me there was a good chance she'd have considered naming me after one of the other characters in it. When my daughter asked my wife if she still would have married me with that name, the answer was a flat "no." Who was it?

Spoiler Space

#1- Off of 1990's the Razor's Edge (which gave the world "Thunderstruck.") AC/DC presented the pulse pounding "Mistress for Christmas." (Coincidentally written way back then to poke fun at the guy who will be the next president.)
Bonus- Besides the fact that they are talented musicians and have insane amounts of fun together, by appearing in character, the gang retains the rights to those Spinal Tap characters.

#2- The Elvis song that would both make me tap my feet and laugh out loud was the wildly over the top "Santa Claus is Back in Town."
Bonus- While sung simply by a sweet little girl in Year Without a Santa Claus, Elvis and his back up singers (particularly Millie Kirkham)had the hit when they put their trademark vocal gymnastics on to "Blue Christmas."

#3- The song in question from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life has got my shoulders moving ('cause I can't dance) just thinking about it and is "Christmas in Heaven." 
Bonus- It was performed by Graham Chapman. Seriously, I had no idea. Between the sound and the look I didn't recognize him at all.

#4 - Here's the official(ish... I guess) video of "I Found the Brains of Santa Claus."
Bonus- Ah yes, the Yuletide fart numbers. 
I know the upbeat and whimsical "I Farted on Santa's Lap" by The Little Stinkers from 2004.
I am also a fan of the more noble and dramatic "Silent Night" parody, "Silent Fart" (2007).
I thought it was by National Lampoon. However, it is by the "American Comedy Network," a group that did a radio show from 1983-2013. Sadly it isn't available anywhere online, but the whole disc is good, and this song almost caused me to crash the car the first time I heard the "Somebody cover the pies" line. Therefore I'll plug it.
Did I miss any?

#5- As mentioned on Laughter Hours, social media and this very blog: It is Mickey Rooney, the true voice of Santa from Year Without a Santa Claus, performing, "I Believe in Santa Claus."
Bonus- The name in question, that could have been my own (providing yet another peek into my family's unique psyche) is Ignatius Thistlewhite. 

Tie Breaker Question, because now I've set a precedent for these- 

Many many many (insert many more "many"s) famous Christmas songs, whether they be rude, classic, or novelty have been performed by children. One of the most well known and successful was written by second grade teacher Donald Yetter Gardner in 1944, after noticing a condition of something missing shared by most of his students at that age. The most acclaimed version of the number was recorded in 1947 and topped the charts in 1948. In 2007 it was inducted into the Grammy hall of fame. While this famous and talented band did work with child singers occasionally, the "child" most often performing with them was not a real one. Lisping his way through this number (and many others), was the former college football player, large of height and girth - as well as mustached- trumpet player, George Rock. What famous missing bit of anatomy was he singing about?
Bonus- Since Anabelle will never forgive me if I left this out after referencing the Elvis songs she despises:
One of the most famous child sung Christmas tunes about a desired animal gift was sung by an actual child. It has been immortalized on Doctor Demento complications, commercials, Zoo celebrations and at least nine Hallmark Christmas ornaments, plus multiple others.  
But it all started in 1953 with what song?
Extra bonus points for knowing the then ten year old Oklahoma native's name! 

Tie Breaker Spoiler Space

Tie Breaker Answer- Spike Jones and His City Slickers with "George Rock on Vocals" recorded "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth."
Bonus- Of course it was "I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas" by the currently still going strong at 81 in Sen Diego, Gayla Peevey. She went on to be a teacher, then retired to run her own advertising jingle company while still singing at church.

Thanx and congratz to those who answered on social media:
Anabelle- Got all but one question and all the bonuses.
Kim- Got all questions, missed a couple bonuses... not counting the ones she almost skipped completely and needed reminders because we're both over "Instagram Functional" age.
See the comments for their answers and entertaining comments.
A reminder that my whole family is hilarious.

Double secret extra hard bonus question:
In 2005 a famous New York City location brought in stars from another famous New York City Location to create the CD Dinosaur Holiday. It is a collections of parody holiday songs about prehistoric animals such as "Hark the Pterodactyls Sing,"  "The First Brontosaur," and "Deck the Halls With Stegosaurus." What is the New York City location that created it, and where did they pull the talent from.
Double Secret Bonus Question- 
The Bonus track is "The Dinosaur's Night Before Christmas" read by this famous New York based weatherman and Thanksgiving Day Parade staple. Who is it?

Final Spoiler Space... I promise.

Double Secret Probation Answer- 
Dinosaur Holiday (Another plug, cant' find these on line either) was created and provides funding to New York's American Museum of Natural History. The songs are all performed by Broadway Stars.
Bonus- Al Roker reads the original poem.


  1. Question 1 answers

    Anabelle- ok ok ok isn’t this Mistress for Christmas? weren’t we just talking about this?
    and then for the bonus I forget the exact reason but it’s basically because they’ll lose the rights if they don’t release something every now and then I think??
    why am I kind of cooking
    OMG let’s go ok I’m locked in

    Kim- Yay Mistress for Christmas, and my first foray into costuming.

    Question 2 answers

    Anabelle- well the bonus is blue Christmas.
    not you outing me as an Elvis blue Christmas hater that’s diabolical
    the only other Elvis Christmas song I know is the one on your radio show with the stupid line about the snow falling on the ground (Santa Claus is back in town I think???)
    All in all i still consider myself cooking

    Kim- Santa Claus is back in town. Bonus: blue christmasI'll have a blue Christmas without you
    now if I could only type on this stupid phone that would have spaces and punctuation.

    Question 3 Answers
    nooo my steak is over I don’t know the name of the movie I’m ruined
    stReak I’m so distraught I can’t spell
    Me- I didn’t ask the name of the movie.
    Anabelle- I don’t know the song name either.
    I believe the bonus is Graham Chapman tho bc I remember you talking about that

    Christmas in heaven.
    I always just presumed it was John Cleese because that was the name I knew and although I saw the movie I was too young to get most of the jokes or even notice the plastic boobs..... I heard the song a lot on your show and other soundtrack things. But now watching the video of the song. (Which is quite hilarious) I know it's not him, and I don't think it's Eric Idle (the other name I've always known). But as I still have no idea which one is which I don't really have a guess for the person singing. Except for, it's one of the other ones.

    Question 4 Answers
    ok time to lock back in
    ok ummm silent fart is one, oh then there’s the one I think auntie Kim showed us (but I might be wrong) that’s like I farted in Santa’s lap or something along those lines

    t's my favorite Christmas song "I found the brains of Santa Claus.". I knew this answer halfway through the first line of your clue. Bonus: 1. "I farted on Santa's Lap" 2. Urg.... I can't think of it right now.....

    Question 5 Answers
    Anabelle- I belieeeeeeeeve in Santa clausssss πŸŽ…πŸ»
    πŸ€“☝🏻 ignatius (thistlewhite)

    Kim- Most definitely, "I believe in Santa Claus". The two different speed versions of the same song are the Snow Miser and Heat Miser Songs. And you would have been named Ignatius Thislewhite McGinley. (Bonus fact: if I had gone to college before I was born my name would have been Dory Dilts McGinley, so that goodness there weren't any time paradoxes in the seventies.)

    Tie Breaker Answers
    Anabelle- oh the two front teeth song
    you know me so well I was going to yell at you for not including this
    I want a hippopotamus for Christmas ‼️‼️πŸ™‚‍↕️πŸ™‚‍↕️ by Gayla Peevy 🫢🏻

    Kim-Two front teeth, bonus 1. I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, gala prevent (or however you actually spell her name )
    I want a hippopotamus for Christmas is literally being played in Studio B right now while I'm working.

  2. you heard it here first i hate the elvis blue christmas guys. it's so bad.

  3. Luckily your knowledge of the other ones shows you have good taste. Congratz on getting Al Roker too! Thanx for playing, kiddo.
