Monday, July 15, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 9 - The Legends Live On

There are three reasons the collection will continue to grow. This is irrespective of how hard it continues to be finding new figures at what my old man brain considers "acceptable prices."

These three are not counting the obvious reason- 
"As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem."

The first is the “feature” of the addiction leading to the tuning various websites into awareness of it, as highlighted by the AIM Scientist Supreme.
A Christmas gift from my wish list was a Blu Ray that was for the wrong region. This wasn’t indicated on the listing, and I wasn’t aware they made region specific blu rays. I have several that work fine from multiple other countries. While ordering a replacement, I needed a few dollars to reach free shipping. The website said, “HEY! GUESS WHAT? THIS IS ON SALE!”
Rather than being what I was looking for, an old “maybe” figure reduced down to basement prices, it was the new box set of Franklin and Valeria Richards. (2023)
Talk about a Space and a NEED!
Anabelle loves these characters, and continually points out the MCU Fantastic Four film should feature the 2005-2007 cast and focus on their kids.

The only period I followed the monthly Fantastic Four comic was when the stories were parallel with the Future Foundation and other adventures where the kids featured heavily.

It was “Fantastic” to get the whole family together. (All from 2007-2008’s version of the “retro or classics” type line for the FF)  Yes “Uncle Doom” is there too, for reasons sure to befuddle anyone who hasn’t read those comics.
This really drives home my need to find a new location for My Pet Monster (and Skippy!) and expand the available room on the “Cosmic Marvel” shelf. It has way more characters than originally anticipated. The Fantastic Four truly belongs with this assemblage, and not only because of their Cosmic Ray induced powers and Cosmic Adventures.

They don’t really fit on the Avengers shelf physically. Stylistically It is a stretch. Johnny lives apart from the other three as a "Friend of Spidey" on the Marvel Knights Shelf. (Where Spidey himself is a stretch.) Ben was an unofficial member of the early West Coast Avengers, and Reed and Sue joined the East Coast team briefly in issue 300, mostly to allow the writer to tie up some loose ends from his FF run. More importantly, the Cosmic Marvel shelf would be the only place Reed could stand up, and he looks ridiculous sitting down.
As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.

The second reason the collection seems to "magically" grow is I will often return to the MCU television and film offerings many times over, because of their excellence. This, in turn leads to checking previously "impossible to get" figures I had long forgotten about.

The latest run through of all the Marvel films was with my wife, in contrast to when I watch them while exercising. This had the benefits of being able to watch each film all "at once" instead of broken up into hour long chunks. Additionally, it allowed time to reflect on each film in-between viewings, rather than smooshing them all together. 

The final benefit ("Debatable based on what happened." - Rosa) was having her sit next to me through the movies and afterwards. ("For the bloopers!" - Rosa) This meant when I remembered how much I liked Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings AND could never find a decent sale on almost all of the figures AND Anabelle really liked Katy and Xailing...

Aside- Anabelle's opinion tends to be a huge reason why I will pick a figure. Not always though, she did advise me against the entire Controller wave because they were ugly. Then again, it is crystal clear by this point I do have a problem. Moving on.

Therefore when I decided to poke around eBay looking for the main characters and amazingly found the ENTIRE Shang-Chi wave (2021) including Target exclusive Katy with Morris the "flying faceless footstool" for K-Mart initial Toy Biz wave prices, Rosa (being the amazingly patient woman she is) was right next to me to hear me weakly explain how this was a "NEED" as the bad guys are cool looking, AND the non-film related figures fit well on the Iron Man shelf AND the build a figure was oversized Daredevil foe Mr. Hyde (also Quake's Dad).

They arrived in a box that looked like it had been kicked with an iron boot, but luckily were packed very well. (And had a nice note on the box flap too!)

Iron Man has been dead and replaced by a computer, or hiding behind a hologram as he heals (one time 3D printing himself a new nervous system) more times than I can count since I've started reading comics. While I admit I have no idea which video game I've never played "Captain America in Iron Man's repurposed armor" comes from. However, he looks enough like Iron Patriot which I've never been able to score a figure of. (Including that 2013 Iron Monger wave I'm still not bitter about.)

The villains do look fantastic. Wenwu is an impressive sculpt of the actor. I also admit Death Dealer did very little in the movie except abuse young Shang Chi, and then die in a quick and fairly lame fashion via the eldritch horror without letting the hero have final revenge. Yet, he still looks pretty dang cool.

The good guys all look like their actors and the costumes are really well made. The expressions capture the likeness of the performers and their personalities. 

I do have one super nerdly quibble- Just about every single Hasbro Marvel Legends figure comes with completely closed fists, either as purchased or extra in the box. 
Just about every single Hasbro Marvel Legends figure known for martial arts has completely open palmed "karate" hands included as an option. 
Shang Chi's character development arc was that he combines his Mother's and Father's martial art styles and fought the final battle with one hand in a fist and one hand with an opened palm. Guess which is the only Marvel Legends martial artist I've ever seen that comes with NEITHER of those hand options?

Actually I have another quibble. Those video game Avengers were nifty and all, but wouldn't  Razorfist and Michelle Yeoh figures have been better... maybe with a build a figure Dragon?

Wong must have been extremely excited his friends were coming. The night I ordered them, he fell over. Clearly this is what happened and has no relation to how many figures pitched on their faces following my moving them around for photo shoots. In any case I took it as a sign that I should recreate his famous fight in that film with the Abomination. (scheduled by Xailing and being cheered on by Katy and Shang Chi) Note that the amazingly ginormous Abomination was NOT a build a figure back in the Toy Biz days. (2006) One of my reasons for complaining should be obvious.

Mr. Hyde turned out to be a pleasant and HUGE surprise.
He's freaking enormous, larger than the Controller! Not sure if he'll go on the villain shelf, or combating Daredevil and his allies on the Marvel Knights shelf.

As far as completely unplanned waves I had almost completely forgotten about, if was quite an impressive haul.

As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.

The Fantastic Four have been moved back to the Comic Room...

Onto a table that normally doesn't house Marvel figures, but as should be crystal clear by now, I also have a space problem. And at least Reed can stand up.
(*Sotto Voce*- "For this evening's performance, the part of Dragon Man will be played by Godzilla's cousin Earl.")

The full Shang Chi wave took up their place on the Entertainment Center shelf. Mostly anyway. In case it has not been sufficiently mentioned, Mr. Hyde is AWESOMELY ENORMOUS and has to hang off the edge.

Therefore, this write up can stop, leaving the conclusion for next time with the third reason the collection will continue expanding (learning new characters as I constantly read comic books) that led to quite the Happy Ending of this exercise!



Click to continue to Part 10

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