Monday, August 26, 2024

Atlantic City- August 9, 2023

Rosa woke up early, gave our unmoving forms hugs and went to walk and lay on the beach.
We remained unconscious for most of this time.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

New Who Views- Doctor Who Series 14. No, Season 1. Why not Season 40?

I kept pushing this review into the future, because... 
I am a Time Lord. 

Seriously, it was because whenever I tried to put it together all I'd come up with was:
"WOW, that was fun!"

Monday, August 12, 2024

Atlantic City- August 7, 2023

We woke up promptly at 9:30 for our morning on the beach.
Then we went back to sleep and woke up promptly at 10:30.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Acolyte Comes Packed with Mature Star Wars... for some


Instead of a regular review, lets visit a theoretical conversation between audience and creators:

Note- This is not to address fans of the bulk of all Ages Focused Star Wars who didn't like it,  (I'm mostly in this group, I really liked this show, but won't rewatch it nearly as much as the films or The Mandalorian/ Boba Fett which fit in with the original films better than anything else.) or those who will only ever like the Original Trilogy (and shows which fit in with it) no matter what. (Hi Mom!)  Instead this is for that rather specific branch of fandom that demands every Star Wars be specifically tailored for them and only them.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Atlantic City- August 6, 2023

We drove down to the southern end of our state much later than Stupid O’clock in the morning, setting the tone for another “minimal exertions" type of vacation that we all desperately needed.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Heartwarming, Happy and Heinously Violent

I'm going to avoid any spoilers that weren't in the trailers. There are far too many wonderous surprises in this movie for me to deprive any viewers of them.