Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Rare, Cool Moment in My Life- June 13, 2024

Last year it was announced that Niall Horan- "The Show: Live on Tour" would be playing Madison Square Garden. He is Anabelle's favorite singer. Following 
the Taylor Swift mess, she and Rosa did much online jiggery pokery  (mostly Rosa, she excels at that) when the tickets dropped and first scored her a 100 level seat in the stands for Friday's concert, but then a floor seat for the Thursday performance. The Friday ticket was sold off at list price, because we are not evil.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Clone Wars Episode Guide- Bad Batch Season Three

February 21st- May 1st, 2024. 15 Episodes

OK, Dave Filoni, I don't care how you continue your Clone Wars stories anymore, now including animated. Granted, I will keep watching them and reviewing them, like I did with  Ahsoka aka Rebels Season Five. However, as you've reached the end of this tale, here is my final foray into an Episode Guide.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 9 - The Legends Live On

There are three reasons the collection will continue to grow. This is irrespective of how hard it continues to be finding new figures at what my old man brain considers "acceptable prices."

These three are not counting the obvious reason- 
"As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem."

The first is the “feature” of the addiction leading to the tuning various websites into awareness of it, as highlighted by the AIM Scientist Supreme.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Yes, They are Dead, Boys and Detectives...But That's Not All


One would think with a show name like "The Dead Boy Detectives" the title would point out everything needed to understand the show.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 8- Master Class in Justification

With the Minor Acquisition Path reviewed. It is time to move on. The Major Acquisition Path that began with US Agent (2022, in case anyone forgot) is connected to the idea that, as the collection expands, there is always a “Location” for a character…

Thursday, July 4, 2024

George Awards 11: Dana Awards "We All Waste Time. The Important Thing is When We Decide To Stop"


This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 7 – Intermediate Level Justification

The Cosmic Marvel shelf continues to get far denser than I originally planned due to store closing sales on Kree and Skrull themed two packs (2021), and the sale of the entire Kree Sentry (2019- purple and silver robot in the back corner) Captain Marvel build a figure line featuring those same races of aliens.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

George Awards 11- Dana: "Eric McCormack Tweeted Me So Obviously This Is a Fever Dream"



This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 6- Introduction to Justification

While also K-Mart priced, and with an awful neck joint, Black Widow (2004) was too important to skip, being connected to both the Avengers and Daredevil. Taskmaster (2016) is a frequent villain in my comics, ensuring I grabbed him on sale much later. This was important as they both provided movie justification for when the two pack of Natasha’s on screen “parents” went on sale. (2021) Although, they both fulfilled “NEED”s anyway. The Red Guardian was hilarious and came with an action figure of himself. (As should be clear by now, “NEED” has a widely varied definition.) Melena was equally important as Rachel Weisz and I share the exact same birth date. Granted, she looks infinitely better in a white cat suit. (Again… widely varied.)

Sadly, a Florence Pugh Widow figure has not gone on sale yet to complete the set. I have hopes for Thunderbolts. However, I'd rather have one with the vest in the Black Widow movie. That was a really cool detail. They joked about it being an obsession but the idea that it was the first thing she bought for herself after a lifetime of brain-washing was sweet.
As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a few problems... including overthinking.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

George 11- ...Dutch Elm disease, the Contraction of the Universe, Paper Cuts...


This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 5- Harbingers and Hardships

As much as I am offended by the price increases, I do have an exception to the sale rule.

When travelling, they don’t count as full priced parts of my collection, but rather souvenirs!

Trips to Disney World and Colorado netted: 
The Enchantress (2016- Villain in Secret Wars and key to the Thor run I started collecting comics with), 
Puma (2019- Featured prominently in the Spider-Man Wedding issues - a key event of my early Marvel reading time) 
Silver Sable (2019- Not really any kind of key, but she’s… really shiny!)

As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

George 11- How About Ghosts and Fairies, Werewolves and Vampires?


This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 4- Price Hikes and Hunting

Toy Biz finished their license with two final build a figure waves featuring MODOK and Mojo. (2006) The era of “hard to find” figures was kicking off. However, the prices were still low, and MODOK is incredibly goofy and ridiculous thus rendering him awesome. Therefore, when the love of my life, and my enabler, came back from shopping one night and told me she saw boxes of them being unloaded in an aisle at Toys R Us, I jumped in my car and drove to the mall. The excitement of finding the whole MODOK wave still in shipping cartons led to the purchase of the Mojo wave as well.
As should be crystal clear by now, I do have a problem.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

George 11- We Loved Our Daughter Very Much but She was Evil... Made the Horses Crazy


This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 3 – The (Marvel) Legends Build

In spite of various six inch scale acquisitions, I wasn’t planning on building an actual Marvel collection.
At least not yet. 
Addicts never do.
The series of decisions made in short succession indicates that “not planning on an actual collection” concept wouldn’t last for long.
With “room” on the book shelves now that all the little figures were away, I had been debating on beginning to collect Marvel Legends in earnest, based on comic book ads and inserts for some upcoming lines having characters I cared about due for release. I was mostly looking at characters from my main Marvel reading years- members of Daredevil’s world (which I will call "Marvel Knights" to annoy those who know better) and appropriately timed Avengers, like the Iron Man Silver Centurion and other members of the West Coast team
Aside- I could SWEAR I saw that armor listed as “Silver Sphinx” when it was first coming out. And yet I cannot find any evidence of this being accurate. Even the oldest stuff I have calls it “Silver Centurion.” Can one generate a personal Mandala Effect? 
Maybe I blew a fuse in my brain.

However, I was debating between starting down that comic book-based path, or starting to collect Eighties era professional wrestling figures. Yes, I had begun an equally focused path down the rabbit hole of renewing an obsession in that world.
I decided to let it come down to what I would find in a store together first. After much comparison shopping, I was unable to locate a Rowdy Roddy Piper and a Junkyard Dog in the same location. However, I did locate a Sabretooth and Colossus (2003), which I knew would go well with the brown costume Wolverine (2004) due out shortly.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

George Awards 11- The Main Reason Santa is So Jolly is Because He Knows Where All the Bad Girls Live



This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 2- Dawn of the Superheroes

While I do accept (And often embrace) my problem, I do enjoy placing the fault of my out-of-control Marvel Figures collection squarely on my sister’s shoulders.

Part of me feels this is well deserved payback for the multiple, "Saaaaaa...llllllyyyyyyyy" incidents over the years.

Due to the success of animated Superhero shows and the comics explosion of the Nineties both Marvel and DC were pumping out action figures by this point. I would look at them at stores but was sticking with what I had.
Then one year, when it was time for me to be the annual pain in the butt and regularly ask my sister, “What did you get me for Christmas,” she would constantly answer “Marvel Figures.”
She was so deadpan about this that I was convinced she was telling the truth.
She was not.
She found this hilarious, and for the next MANY years, that would be her answer as any gift-based holiday approached.
“Marvel Figures.”
This was her go to gag for a long while.
By the time I finished college, I was used to this.
That’s when she actually got me some Marvel Figures for my birthday.
She was right, it was hilarious.
However, I can now blame her for that gift leading to the raging addiction that stands before me now.
I do not remember which figures she got me; they were whatever she found on sale. I do know one was “Exploding Ghost Rider” because I learned falling off the top row of my bookshelves made the “explodey” feature a permanent one.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

George Awards 11- Twenty Five Points For Any Ball That Goes In the Basket Off Another Guy's Head


This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”
This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Inside the Mind of a Toy Addict Part 1- The Foundations

Hello, I’m Jeff, and I’m addicted to Marvel Action Figures.
(“Hi Jeff!”

“YOU GEEK!!!!”)
Greetings to the imaginary fellow addicts…
And the ghosts of middle school.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Original Rocky Movies What If Part 2

The Mom inspired Mother's Day boxing posts continue. Not only did she point out that Rocky shouldn't lose, but she also said for the initial "Boxing What If" -
"The son shouldn't beat the father."

The initial intent was for this to be a one off "Bonus Fight" at the end of the "Rocky What If" story.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

LIVE! From Morristown New Jersey!

I gotta admit, it was pretty cool hearing the actual Dancing With the Stars announcer say that when we saw the travelling stage show back in January. 
(Photo credit to Rosa, which should be obvious since it's clear what the photo is of.)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

A Plain and Simple Story

Deep Space Nine
was robbed of having follow up stories in motion pictures by the poor performance of the later Next Generation films. 

So sad. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Area Where DC is Untouchable

As stated, Marvel is kind of beating the pants off of DC in many areas of the media.
However, there is one set of outputs over a period of time (I recently watched again) where DC's quality is untouchable and unlikely to be equaled.

The DC Animated Universe.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Godzilla X Kong! You know what the "X" is for?



X-ception to American Studios screwing up Toho properties!


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Return to Arkham City

After two and a half years (and setting an alarm this year) I finally remembered to return to this Playstation 3 superhero video game and bring Batman to meet Calendar Man on Saint Patrick's Day to finish that one holiday a month, year long, requirement in the urban setting turned prison that is Arkham City.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Teacher Tributes: German

I have always had an excellent memory, the ability to read and retain things quickly, and often well past when I needed them. 

The ENORMOUS exception to this is languages other than English. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

Fun Filled Old Dungeons and Dragons Memories- Reference Sheet and Index

Here are the links to the goofy adventures of a gaming group that really got the hang of the fun parts of interactive storytelling

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Books to Open Your Mind- Frog and Toad

As a kid I had Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobell, and took his three other books in the series out of the grammar school library frequently. 
The set is one of the most frequent gifts I give to people when they have a baby. 
And reading them were featured performances of my doing voices when my daughter was little.

That's a remarkable string of happenings considering how much I dislike the animals the main characters are based on. 

There must be something special about these books. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Half Way Across The Spider-Verse


Whoah, over thirteen years of blogging and this is the only post that landed on a Leap Day.

One would think it would be something more exciting than a late movie review.

One would, in that case, clearly not know me very well.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

What If... Marvel Made the Second Season Even More Engaging!?

The new season of What If? was loads of fun. It embraced the wild and free sense of the best of the original comics, more than the dark, downer endings that many of the modern runs have taken. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Moving Under New Leadership

This is normally the time of year where I say nice things about Miss Chris.
This will not change as she continues to teach, choreograph, and help out in moving the Moving Company through various twists and turns towards the future in her role as Danceworks Founder.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Mid-Dumber Night's Dream

My mind should just let me forget my dreams. 
It never goes well. 
Do they sell brain leashes or something? 

I would have preferred, off the shelf, standard script, regular, terrifying nightmare.
This was more of a "stress mare." 
A highly vivid, deranged, lucid and realistic feeling "stress mare."