Monday, April 27, 2015

Short Treks Season 2.7

 “The Gamesters of Triskelion”
Air Date: January 5, 1968
Mom Title: “400 Quatloos on the Newcomer”

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Daredevil: The Man Without Fear Vs the Man Without Patience

I might as well start the same way I have when talking about every other superhero before getting to the new Daredevil show.

Yes, I can cite an issue of Daredevil as one of the first comics I had, in fact I can cite two at separate times. This is because:

A) I have way too many comics
B) I am extremely creative about how I define “first comics.”

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bondlets: Diamonds Are Forever


After constantly complaining about George Lazenby’s single turn as super spy 007 my daughter was enthusiastically awaiting the return of the original James Bond.

Therefore her initial reaction was a bit of a letdown:
“Wow, he looks really old now.”

Monday, April 13, 2015

Short Treks Season 2.5

“Friday’s Child”
December 1, 1967
Mom Title: “Leonard James Akaar” 

What D.C Fontana did for Spock in the last episode, she does for Bones in this adventure.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Greatest Prank

A day late for this story, but oh well, here's the tale:

Over the years I have submitted many theoretically funny essays, stories and poems to be judged for the Writer’s Digest annual contest.

None of them have gotten the slightest moment of recognition.

One day in the he coffee room at work, I found a freshly delivered box of flowers in the garbage can.   The image stuck with me and by the end of the weekend, this was in my head.

I sent it in, and it took 7th place in the Rhyming Poetry category in 2010.

Perhaps I’m focused on the wrong type of expression?
Here's the poem: