Thursday, January 25, 2018

Last Knight First Right

There are a couple of franchises that seem determined to only release films when I am off the continent.

Considering how infrequently I travel, this is an amazing achievement.

Transformers: The Last Knight came out last summer while I was in Peru, causing me to miss another one of these in the theater.  That’s a shame as after five tries, they finally got the humor right in this one.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Evil Dead Season Two- the Ashpansion!

This one is a bit late, even taking into account the on-disc release date, but since the next season isn’t due to begin until next month, I don't feel too guilty.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

How to Win at any Edition of Dungeons and Dragons

Howdy readers.  Since I’m battling the Sinus Infection that Wouldn’t Die, here’s a blast from the past.

It's a write up I did on a message board back in the early 2000’s when Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons was being modified.  It’s up to at least 5th edition now, but most of my points still hold as those aspects haven’t changed.  

Since the whole "what is Dungeons and Dragons" question has been raised at work thanks to Stranger Things, this post is now timely again.

I think.  (achoo!)

Monday, January 8, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Last Jedi Meets Captain Continuity

Due to reviews, complaints and general fanboy screaming from a small but loud gang about the Last Jedi, 
And with it becoming the top US box office earner in only a couple of weeks and passing a billion dollars world wide in the same time it must be both relatively very small, and extremely loud group.

I believe it’s time to unleash my old alter ego again.  Spoilers in this post.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Grandma Treks Season 2

Once again, proving the multigenerational Trek fandom of the McGinley family, and also proving that there I will take advantage of any chance to get an easy post when I can.

These are Grandma’s comments for each episode of Anabelle’s Treklets.