Thursday, April 25, 2019

Delayed Disney Reconstruction Descriptions

Instead of taking apart and analyzing what made the original version work, new home and theatrical releases by Disney traveled new paths to show why the core themes of the originals are still relevant.

For the home release it was Mary Poppins Returns.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

George Awards: You’re a Winner, Pick It Up, Put It In Your Pocket…

This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”

This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Monday, April 15, 2019

George Awards: That's the Trouble with Zombies, They're Unreliable!

This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”

This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dracula Through a Kid’s Eyes

Because she had read the novel, and seen the Coppola version, I finally was able to coax my daughter back to the world of Universal Horror with the original of the main franchise. 
In 1931, it was an instant classic, and a fresh take on horror.

In 2019, it is an extremely early cinematic experience with primitive effects and overblown stage acting magnified by the camera.

I think we’ll be watching more now.

Monday, April 8, 2019

George Awards: A Special Automotive Harassment Squadron

This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”

This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Detective Comics 1000

We picked Michael Cho’s 1950’s “Night of 1000 Batmans” cover for this one, because it reflected the multi-faceted nature of the character throughout his history. 

OK, I picked it for that reason, the rest of my family voted that way because it was fun!

Monday, April 1, 2019

George Awards: Bet You Can’t Eat Just One

This post contains bad, foul, filthy and unacceptable language - the words that “will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor.”

This is not a post for children.  Kids, take a hike.
This is also not a post for those adults who are offended by this type of language.  Do yourself a favor, and go read some of my cute stuff before moral outrage can kick in.
Just about everything else on this blog is clean…Stupid sometimes, but clean.
End of Warning.