Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020

E-Dorm Life- How Not to Stage a Protest

I haven’t suddenly developed the ability to talk about current events. Instead, it is a stranger continued flashback to RPI.  As the image indicates, all E-Dorm flashbacks are stranger.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Budget Planning 101

It would be fitting, since he got his degree in accounting when he went to night school even though he worked with computers, that I should talk about this on my Dad's birthday.   It is a practical budgeting method I learned in college that my recent flood of memories made me realize I haven't related yet.  However, as I construct this timely introduction, I realize that it is, in fact, two month's early for his birthday, because I've long moved past not knowing what day it is, and shifted on to forgetting larger calendar increments.

Monday, September 14, 2020

E-Dorm Life- Background

We moved out of the freshman dorms after our first year. 

I’ll get around to posting about those early days eventually- what was intended as a single paragraph flashback highlighting them has bloomed into multiple posts. (And here they are!) 

I know, everyone is stunned by that...especially since this oversize, non-linear cavalcade of personal history also began life as an expected paragraph sized introduction before thirty year old memories vomited forth by the bushel in no particular order. 

I spent the rest of my college days in the E-Dorms. (Click here for current floor plans)  The buildings were shaped (obviously) like an “E” and were the oldest residence hall on campus. As an indication, multiple sections were named after Pre World War Two officers of the Imperial Railways of Japan.  Jesse and I continued rooming together, as unlike most best friends who shared space in college, we remained best of friends.

Monday, September 7, 2020

E-Dorm Life- Index

Performing college searches for my daughter (AAAH!) and a truly awesome birthday gift led me to remembering a bunch of elements from my college days at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, particularly the years in the infamous E-Dorms. 


Thursday, September 3, 2020

New Who Views- Assistants, Companions, Best Friends and The Fam

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these.  Thanks to the BBC finally releasing seasons of the classic series, I’ve been revisiting some Fourth trough Seventh Doctor episodes with my family.  I’ve also been watching the extras on the Twelfth's boxed set, the Thirteenth's season is fresh in our minds, my nephew is getting into the show so my sister's family is revisiting Nine (Don't skip Nine!) and we’ll always watch Ten or Eleven if they happen to be on.