Monday, August 7, 2023

Jason and the Argonauts through an Actual Kid's Eyes


On the movie getting going:
"Building the Argo is slower than I remember from the story."

On Ancient Greek fashion:
"Why is everyone wearing pajamas?"

On Ancient Greek Names:
"Pelias, Acastus, Argus... What kind of name is Jason?"

On liberties taken with Greek Mythology:
"Zeus and Hera are getting along. That's wrong."

On the fully open hospitality given to strangers in this film:
"Greek people are kind...and stupid."

On the God reveal:
"Why is Hermes not a young dude?"

On the way the Argo stops movement:
"The anchor is a ball of clothes."

On the looting of the treasure room:
"Hercules is really stupid."

On Talos starting to move:
"Oh my God, its like the Weeping Angels."

On the Harpies:
"That is one weird looking thing."

On the clashing rocks:
"He's going to use the little beardy thing that guy gave him."
*Jason does*
"Called it!"

On facing Hylas:
"Jason knew he was evil,not stupid.
Hercules, on other hand."

On Medea's Temple dance looking like Nona's root healing motions in Star Trek's "A Private Little War:"
Me- "How did I never realize its the same woman?"

On locations on the craggy island:
"Why is the fleece in the woods?"

On the Hydra:
"It looks like a snake. The Disney one was better."

On the King saying he was making an army:
"An army of teeth?"

On the Skeletons fighting poses:
"Why are the Skeletons sticking their butts out?"

On the ending:
"It's over?  What about becoming the rightful king?"  

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