Monday, October 28, 2024

Disneyland 2024 Countdown- Part 9

April 5, 2024
C minus 37 Days
Sabine Wren is appearing in Batuu during season of the force! 
(Which will still be on when we go.) Anabelle may explode.
Plus, the new walking droids will be there every day.
Anabelle- “I’m gonna lose my mind!”
Fireworks in Disneyland are only the weekends, so just the day we get there for us.
No Pixar Parade listed yet meaning that could change too… I guess.
April 8, 2024
C minus 34 Days
Saw a video with a kid getting excited about Suzy and Perla Mouse at the Plaza. The woman who posted it said they saw NINE characters. Anabelle may explode.
[Later Edit- There were not nine. There were TEN! Anabelle did explode, as did we all.]
April 9 2024
C minus 33 Days
Called an Awesome Happy California Disney Lady (Nichelle? The beginning of the call was fuzzy.) Disneyland balance has been paid off. She thinks the Pixar Parade is daily, and also thought the Star Wars Fireworks were nightly, not only on weekends as listed. However, they list times much closer to the date than we’re used to. Freakin’ California.
I mentioned the Grid and she said I’d get along with her Mom.
[Later Edit- She was one third right. The Pixar Parade was twice daily, the fireworks were only on weekends.]
April 12, 2024
C minus 30 Days
Pixar Pals Parade times FINALLY LISTED 4 and 6:30 daily.
[Later Edit- See?]
We don’t have to move lunch. [Later Edit- Especially since we cancelled it.]
Disneyland Fireworks still only listed for Sunday.
Rosa- Happy face!
Anabelle- *heart* and Woo!
I started putting the menus together.
It looks like Lamplight Lounge significantly changed theirs. It doesn't even match the style of foods when I first looked.
We may have to check the menu the first day we go and see if we're keeping it.
[Later Edit- Don’t ask.]
One Month From Today (Disney California Edition)
We’ll be in Disneyland! YAY!
Or travelling…
Or having Dinner with Clarabelle. (also YAY!)
Or unloading our bags.
Why do I have the feeling I’m going to have no idea what time it is for the entire week.
[Later edit- This was 100% true.]
Bonus news, fifteen pages of menus are ready for me to review for typos and throw in some more jokes.

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