Monday, April 3, 2023

Disney World 2022 Planning- Part 21

July 9, 2022
P minus 24
We will be in the Magic Kingdom WOO HOO!!!
For the third time! Woo hoo!
Exhausted? Most likely. Napping every time we stop moving, definitely.
Ready to quit? Not even close.
I called United to figure out why only Anabelle got the email with the flight change. This concept took way too long to explain, but I checked online first and confirmed on the phone that there’s nothing wrong with the flight.
Eventually she understood and told me they basically pick an email at random to send on a group reservation. I asked to include mine in any future updates. She sent a general receipt order email. I don’t know if I’ll get future ones along with Anabelle but either way we’ll get information. Close to the time reminders and updates should come as texts to everyone who can get them anyway.
 Anabelle sent (after some last minute texting)- HELLO FAMILY
Guess what is done... it is the shirt grid... you probably guessed this from the subject of the email... but still... 
We have successfully broken the record and gotten ALL NINE of us to match!! Go us!
Here it is in pdf form :)  {up above}
Grandma Answered- Great Work! Those Family genes are working overtime. Congratulations, I’m So Proud. OOOOO XXXXX ZZZZZ
I didn’t answer. But I did pile all my shirts for the trip in the staging area for packing in the proper order. 

July 10, 2022
P minus 24
EPCOT Death March- The Sequel with theoretically less of a drunken mob.
Plus a fantastic lunch with Mickey, Pluto, Chip and Dale in the spinning Garden Grill
While we all sing “Listen to the Land.”
Kim- Woohoo!   
"Lets listen to land we all love,
Natures plan will shine above
Listen to the la-a-a-and
Listen to the land"
Better yet here's the whole this so we can ALL sign it on the ride.
Just make believe, you're a tiny little seed,
a tiny little seed that's reaching up to meet your need.
With the right amount of faith, and the right amount of earth,
you'll grow to see the sunshine on your day of birth.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
When springtime comes, how can you tell?
The air is always filled with orange blossom smell.
Come summertime, the warmest sun shines,
and world is full of flowers and good melon rinds.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
When autumn falls, it's a harvest show,
with north winds blowing all the seeds that it must sow.
Come winter time, the rain must fall,
'till once again the new year and the springtime call.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
The seasons come, and the seasons go,
nature knows everything that it must know.
The earth and man, can be good friends,
let's listen so our harvest time will never end.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
Let's listen to the land we all love,
nature's plan will shine above,
listen to the land, listen to the land.
And here's the song so now even the youngins know the tune.
 I love this song, could you tell.
Grandma-    I Love this song because it reminds me more of the Garden Grill. It sounded a little Good in my head. It sounded BAD when I tried to sing it. But then we all know I’m tone deaf. But hearing it full was Wonderful. Thanks, Kim and Thanks Jeffrey for the reference. OOO XXX ZZZ
July 11, 2022
P minus 22
We will be in the Magic Kingdom once again!
Overstuffed with new, fun memories, Disney food…and exhaustion.
Grandma- Such a SAD thought. The trip will be over. Your one month emails ended faster than I expected.  I guess the trip will do the same. So we better all have a great time so the memories keep us going for a long time. OXZ
Me again- It is not a sad thought. It is a happy thought.
Now the entire duration of the trip is less than one month away. 
The key is to focus on all those memories and moments as they happen, rather than dreading when they are going to end.
Grandma- YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. You have extremely perked me up. Sometimes I need reminding not to get “down in the dumps.”
Me- That’s why I use this quote from Doctor WhoVincent and the Doctor” so often- "The way I see it, life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things or make them unimportant." Sometimes focusing on the good things is hard, but necessary.
Grandma- You are the most knowledgeable and the most helpful. You always come up with the best reasons and sayings. Now I can delete all the rest of this sequence and just save this in my Disney 2022 file, once I put all the others together with it. So it is just one email you have to open to read. “OCD” OXZ 
Me- This is why I speak in quotes so often.
July 12, 2022
P minus 21
Anabelle not only coordinates everyone’s shirts, but fully plans out her outfits in a now completed Grid that makes the others seem simplistic.

July 13, 2022
P Minus 20
Rosa has turned her indecisiveness into an art form, customizing her visor with a near infinite amount of Disney images. 

July 14, 2022
P minus 19
Awwww. They knocked down the Terror o’ Tower billboard on the way into the park.
I did my customary, couple weeks before confirm our request Disney call.
Huh, the phone number I looked up for “All Star Movies” direct is not direct… it’s not even hotels.
Got redirected to reservations.
[Later edit- Which I should have known since Grandma said the same thing a few weeks ago.]
I confirmed we’re all listed as together and Grandma and Kim have an adjoining request.
The Awesome Happy Disney Cast Member finished with, “I wanna be the one to say ‘You’re going to Walt Disney World, WOO HOO!’”
July 15, 2022
P minus 18
I feel like this count is wrong.
Crap, I included the end date. Now I have to go fix them all for the last several weeks.
(Which no one would know about if I didn’t write this?)
Oh good, the error was only back to mid-June.
Shhhhhh. Don’t tell anyone.
July 16, 2022
P minus 17
We got our luggage tags and coupons for things we never do today. It was more exciting when Magic Express still existed, but still, YAY!


Dina Roberts said...

I followed the link to Listen to the Land and listened to it while reading your post. But don't worry, it's definitely not my first time hearing it.

It would be great if they returned the song to the ride.

I'm with Grandma on the sadness thing. But I will try to remember the Doctor Who quote when it's our last day of a Disney trip...or when I get to the post about the last day of your 2022 trip.

Jeff McGinley said...

Thanx. Early EPCOT songs were the best. Many (not the Land one) were by the Sherman Brothers. We always sing it on the ride anyway, but it's not the same.

That quote has gotten me through a lot of stuff. Happy to pass it on.