Thursday, October 3, 2024

Dune Part 2 Section C Through a Kid’s Eyes

On Paul drinking the Water Of Life:
Anabelle- “He’s drinking it standing up?
He’s going to be on the floor in five minutes.”
*Paul collapses*
Anabelle- “Called it…
*Paul sees visions of an adult woman*
Anabelle- “Is that his sister?
Anya Taylor Joy?!?!?!
Why is everyone in this movie? I love her.”
Jessica- “Chani, his body is fighting the poison and he needs your help.”
Chani- “You do it. You did this to him. You did this to your own son! You do it! Fix it yourself.”
Anabelle- “Lady Jessica sucks.”
Jessica- *the voice* “DO IT!”
Anabelle- “No way did she just use the voice on Chani. She is the worst.
Wait what is she doing?”
Me- “Mixing the poison left on his lips with water as the antidote.”
Anabelle- “That’s kinda dumb. Since the worm drowned, doesn’t it already have water in it?”
*Paul regains consciousness*
Anabelle- “Punch him in the face!”
*Chani does*
Anabelle- “Yeah!!!!
On Paul’s revelations:
Paul- “I saw our bloodline, Mother. Written across time. You are the daughter of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.”
Anabelle- “What!!! Dude, there’s no way. No wonder she sucks.
So, he’s the heir to both…
I hate this movie.
That was the plot twist of the century.
*thoughtful pause*
His ancestor is the main bad guy. You weren’t kidding about Star Wars stealing from this.”
*The Fremen are all chanting*
Anabelle- “Are they all praying to him? That’s not good.”
Chani- “Stilgar, you can stop this. Do you hear me? You have the power to stop this!”
Anabelle- “I think she’s the only normal one on this planet.  Except the dead one. She was real.”
*Jessica is in full Reverend Mother garb to control the masses*
Rosa- “I can’t see.”
Anabelle- “The Bene Gesserit headgear is out of control.”
Rosa- “Yeah it’s terrible.”
Me- “It gets worse.”
Anabelle- “Oh good.”
*The Fremen all bow chanting “Dune, Lisan al-Gaib, and Muad’Dib”*
Anabelle- “Jesus… 
Paul – “This is my father’s ducal signet. I am Paul Muad’Dib Atreides, Duke of Arrakis.”
*And other impressive speeches*
Anabelle- “Timothee Chalamet kinda bothered me but apparently he can act.”
Me- “Yeah, he killed this stuff.”
Anabelle- “I didn’t think he had this in him. Apparently, he did.
And his little dancing for Wonka. Keeps him balanced.”
On remembering Jessica’s role in The Greatest Showman:
Anabelle- “She’s really good at playing unlikeable people. And she didn’t have to sing this time.”
On Irulian and the Reverend Mother reflecting on Maud’Dib’s victories:
Me- “See, Florence’s head gear had gotten worse.”
Anabelle- “I think the other one was worse. At least this one has some fun going on.
On the complexity of the film:
Anabelle- “This movie is so long.”
Me- “There a lot of stuff happening.”
Anabelle- *whispers* “They could have gotten rid of some of it.”
Me- *whispers back* “They did.”
Anabelle- *still whispering* - “They should have gotten rid of more.”
*Gurney and Paul discuss the Emperor taking the bait*
Anabelle- “I forgot they had atomics. That part was boring.
I do like this movie better. It has more Zendaya and more worms. 
Me- “To get to all this needed set up.”
Anabelle- “Less would have been fine.
I thought it would be all worms.
And there was not a single Spice waterfall. I’m a little pissed about that.”
On the Fremen assault on Arrakeen:
Anabelle- “I didn’t realize worms were part of the attack. There’s so many!!!
Imagine going to war and a wall of sand worms come at you. I’d just lay down.”
On the Baron and Emperor trapped in the Throne Room in Arrakeen:
Me- “Ooh, suspense, who could be at the door?”
Anabelle- *snores*
Me- “You have zero patience for suspense, you know that?”
Anabelle- “Duh. Have you met me?”
*Door banging continues*
Rosa- “Is that a worm?
They can’t fit inside.”
Anabelle- “It’s probably Timothee Chalamet.”
*It is*
Paul- “Grandfather”
Anabelle- “Ew.”
Paul- “You die like an animal.” *Stabs him*
Anabelle- “EEEeeeewwww.”
On the battle outside:
Gurney is cutting through foes including Rabban*
Gurney- “For my Duke.”
Anabelle- “Yeah!”
Gurney- “And my friends!”
Anabelle- “Yeah!
I like him a little now. *pause*
I like these flame throwers too.”
On Baron Harkonnen’s body being left in the desert:
Anabelle- “Oh he’s being eaten by ants.
Oh they’re going in him. Ew Ew Ew.”
On Paul establishing his place in the throne room:
Anabelle- “Is Timothee Chalamet going to fight Elvis now?
Look at his spicy eyes.”
Paul- *between everything else, to Chani* “I want you to know… I will love you as long as I breathe.”

Reverend Mother- “Consider what you’re about to do, Paul Atreides.”
Paul- *Using The Voice* “SILENCE!”
Reverend Mother- *blasted across the room* “Abomination.”
Anabelle- “Ooh! He used The Voice on the fancy one. That’s a power move. Remember when he couldn’t do it.  That was funny.”
Emperor- “As a servant of the Imperium, you will bow at my feet.”
Paul- “Your feet? You’ll be lucky to keep your head. I’ll take the hand of your daughter. She will remain safe. And we will rule together over the Empire.”
Anabelle- “Whoah! ‘I’m gonna love you as long as I breathe.’
Then turns around. ‘I’m gonna marry Florence Pugh.’ Crazy. 
Zendaya’s not gonna let that one go.”
On the climactic Crysknife fight:
Anabelle- “He’s definitely going to fight Elvis.
Now we have to watch this big, long fight and Paul’s gonna kill him and we have to watch.
I will say, the Emperor’s blade is pretty snazzy.”
Gurney- “Do not stain your hands on this animal. Let me deal with him.”
Paul- “It’s my burden, Gurney.”
Anabelle- “I feel like he shouldn’t be named Gurney. It’s too silly.”
Paul- “I’m happy to finally meet you cousin.”
Anabelle- “Ick.”
Feyd-Rautha- “Cousin? Is that right? Well, you wouldn’t be the first relative I’ve killed.”
Anabelle- “Is anyone surprised? No.”
Paul- “May thy knife chip and shatter.”
Anabelle- “Awww, he said the thing.”
Feyd-Rautha- ““May THY knife chip and shatter.”
Anabelle- “That wasn’t as cool.”
*They fight*
Feyd-Rautha- *about Chani* “She’s your pet? Any special attention for the pet?”
Anabelle- “Oh! Don’t say that. This really isn’t going to go well for him.
Pet is crazy, meanwhile he has cannibals in his bedroom.”
*Feyd-Rautha stabs Paul*
Me- “He’s fine.”
Anabelle- “He is SO not fine.
Stop looking at Chani. She deserves better than you.”
*Paul grabs Feyd-Rautha’s knife and pulls it out*
Anabelle- “ew ew ew ew!”
*Paul kills Feyd-Rautha*
Anabelle- “Stabbed with his own knife! That’s a whole mood! Imagine that!”
On reactions to the fight’s outcome:
Jessica- *to Reverend Mother, sadly* “You should’ve believed.”
Anabelle- “’Boo Hoo, I’m so sad my son almost died.’ IT’S YOUR FAULT!”
Irulian- “Spare my father now and I will be your willing bride. The throne will be yours.”
Anabelle- *on the Emperor* “He’s like, ‘Well, shoot.’
Is he Emperor now?”
Me- “If he marries her.”
Anabelle- “Which is probably not the best idea.
Meanwhile Paul is like, ‘I’m just gonna lie down for a minute with this knife hole in me.’”
*Paul thrusts his hand at the Emperor*
Anabelle- “Ooh, He wants him to kiss his hand. Crazy move.
He’s hesitating, no, oop, there he goes.”
*Paul’s mother looks impressed*
Anabelle- “You did this Jessica, stop looking so surprised.”
*Zendaya leaves the room*
Anabelle- *stands up, wild cheering and applause* “That’s your fault, Paul, don’t look sad.”
Gurney- “My Lord, the Great Houses have answered. They refuse to honor your ascendancy.”
Stilgar- “We await your orders, Lisan al-Gaib.”
Paul- “Lead them to Paradise.”
Anabelle- “That’s bad right? That seems very bad.”
On final reactions:
Alia (the Fetus)- "What is happening mother?"
Anabelle- “Whoah! STOP! Put that away!”
Jessica- “Your brother attacks the Great Houses. The Holy War begins.”
Anabelle- “Yes. Nice job there, Jessica.”
*Zendaya calls a worm to get as far away as possible*
Anabelle- *more cheering*
Rosa- “She’s leaving?”
Anabelle- “Yes. She fought for her people, but now they all fight for Timothee Chalamet.”
Rosa- “Good for her."
On overall review:
Anabelle- “I liked them. They were fine.
But I don’t need to see them never again unless I have five years free.”


anabelle said...

i wish i could slap timothee chalamet

sand worm said...


Jeff McGinley said...

Yes, Anabelle you made that clear repeatedly, thank you again for making this this fun trip.

And thank you for the song sandworm!