Monday, December 9, 2019

Denver 2019 Intro/ Index- Nil sine Numine

It really is a mile high!!!

Since other vacations were planned for this summer, originally Rosa and Anabelle were supposed to take a trip out to Colorado with Abuelita (and without me) right after school let out.

Luckily, my family still likes to have me around sometimes and we figured out a way for me to accompany them for a short time.  They went for a usual length trip and I pulled an extra-long weekend.  It was a concentrated burst of sharing Dinosaurs and our membership at the always awesome Denver Zoo together.

Short trip, short intro!

Also a fair warning...short trips and short intros also mean short preparation time. The photos are more "general theme" selections than actual events.

Index of Days

Denver 2019 Days Apart- Nil sine Fugae Cancello 

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