Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dune Part 2 Section B Through a Kid’s Eyes

Click for Part 1,

On Paul and Chani’s moment together in the desert:
Anabelle- “They’re not going to bother using the suit to cover their mouths anymore?”
Me- “It’s cooler at night.”
Anabelle- “It’s not any wetter.”
Chani- “Arrakis is so beautiful when the sun is low. 
Where you’re from, does water really fall from the sky?”
Anabelle- *shouting* “OH MY GOD!!! THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID IN HIS DREAM!!!!!”
“Is that what they expected the audience to do?”
Paul- “What’s your secret name?
Chani- “Sihaya.”
Anabelle- “Aww, that’s nice.”
Paul- “What does that mean?”
Chani- “Means Desert Spring.”
Anabelle- “Aww.”
Paul- “’Desert Spring.’ I love it.”
Chani- “I hate it. It’s from some stupid prophecy. I prefer Chani.”
Anabelle- “And now I hate them. There’s too many prophesies in this story.”
Paul- “I prefer Chani, too, then. Do you think Stilgar would teach me?”
Chani- “To ride?”
Anabelle- “Excuse me?!?!”
Paul- “Yeah.”
Chani- *laugh* “No. Only Fremen ride worms.”
*Anabelle and I have a discussion about how worm riding works including how many people can ride one worm, it is too long and confusing to detail, but she is unhappy*
*Paul and Chani kiss*
Anabelle- “Maybe the problem is I hate Timothee Chalamet. He icks me out.
Imagine how sandy that kiss is.”
*Paul rides a worm, Anabelle complains.*
On the ritual of joining the Fremen:
Chani- “It’s a big day.”
Anabelle- “Is it…WORM RIDING DAY?”
Me- “Yes.”
Anabelle- “Yeah! I like worms.”
*Paul sets the thumper*
Rosa- “He’s calling the worm to him? That’s stupid.”
Stilgar- “Shai-Hulud decides today if you become Fremen, or if you die.”
Anabelle- “I’m hoping the latter.  I’m sick of him.”
On Chani realizing what Paul being the Lisan al-Gaib means:
*They kiss*
Paul- “What’s wrong?”
Anabelle- “There’s sand in my mouth.”
Chani- “They worship you now. The Fedaykin, they count your victories. They say you can see the future.”
Paul- “I’m no messiah.”
Anabelle- “But you’re doing messiah things.”
Chani- “Yet, we have a Bene Gesserit among us, fanning the flames of your legend, saying you’re the One.”
Anabelle- “That’s what I’m saying. Me and Zendaya are like this." *Crosses fingers*
*Paul and Chani kiss again*
Anabelle- “But I wouldn’t do that.”
On unborn Alia speaking to Jessica:
Anabelle- “Again? What?”
Me- “In the book there’s a time skip and she’s a toddler that speaks like an adult. They thought it would look silly.”
Anabelle- “Exhibit A- ‘Space Babies.’”
*It is revealed to be a group worm riding scene*
Anabelle- “How did they get on there?”
Me- “All together with hooks and ropes and stuff.”
Anabelle- “There. Is. No. Way. 
Notice they didn’t show it.”
*Fetus Alia says something else*
Anabelle- “AAAH! Stop showing that. It’s like The Passion.”
On the Bene Gesserit turning to another Harkonnen:
Reverend Mother- “Hope? We are Bene Gesserit. We don’t hope, we plan.”
Anabelle- “Hmmmm, don’t like that.”
Reverend Mother- “Paul is not our only prospect. The Baron’s youngest nephew, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, will inherit Arrakis. He may be the answer.”
Princess Irulian- “Feyd-Rautha? He’s psychotic”
Reverend Mother- “That’s irrelevant. The question is, can we control him?”
Anabelle- “Not if he’s psychotic. Listen to Florence.”
*Feyd-Rautha is introduced with growling, sharp toothed concubines*
Anabelle- “Why did those girls snarl.”
Me- “They’re cannibals.”
Anabelle- “Excusemewhatnow?
Why are they all so pasty white?”
Me- “Geidi Prime is so polluted it makes everything look like it’s in black and white.”
Anabelle- “That makes no sense.  *Pauses film to stare at me*
Baron Harkonnen- “Free the Spice. I’ll make you emperor.”
Anabelle- “I don’t think… he can do that.”
Feyd-Rautha- “Emperor…How?”
Baron Harkonnen- “The Emperor helped me destroy the Atreides. He lent his own army to the cause. A serious crime. If it came to light, the Great Houses would rise against him. And then…
who will sit on the throne?”
Anabelle- *jumps off couch and stands* “ME!!!!
First thing I would do- Abolish spice. Everyone stay in your own planet!”
*The younger Bene Gesserit- Lady Margot - brings Feyd-Rautha into a room seductively*
Anabelle- “Why do I have to watch this. It’s gross. He’s all smooth.”
*She starts the Gom Jabbar ceremony*
Anabelle- “HE’S their back up plan?!?!?!”
*After their meeting*
Lady Margo- “He can be controlled. He’s sexually vulnerable.”
Reverend Mother- “And?”
Lady Margo- “The bloodline is secured. Female, as you requested.”
Anabelle- “What???  Ewwwwwwwwwww!”
*Feyd-Rautha sees the Baron before leaving*
Anabelle- “I actually cannot watch this man fly anymore.”
*The Baron kisses his nephew with way more emotion than one should*
Anabelle- “Hello. What was that?”
*The Harkonnen soldiers are synchronized marching outside*
Anabelle- “Like the hyenas in Lion King.”
On the return of Gurney Halleck:
Anabelle- “Why is he singing and playing the lute.”
Me- “He’s a bard.”
Anabelle- “Uh huh.
I thought he was dead. Now he’s gonna see Timothee Chalamet and it’s going to be a whooole thing. 
They could have saved us thirty minutes. The movie could be done.”
*Gurney tells Paul he could take advantage of being the Lisan al-Gaib and unite thousands of Fremen to take over the planet*
Gurney- “You have the power to avenge your father, and you’re afraid to use it?”
Anabelle- “I hate this guy. Remember when I liked him? Good times.”
Gurney- “No need to be a prophet to see what’s ahead. *sigh* Your path leads to war.
You know that. So, war is coming.
What will you do when you feel its breath upon your neck?”
Anabelle- “That was weirdly poetic.”
Me- “Well, he is a…”
Anabelle- “I KNOW! shut up.”
Gurney- “If you don’t want to raise an army in the South, you may still have an option. 
Fire power… which you don’t have.
And here I am.
I know where your father hid the family atomics.”
Paul- “Every House possesses an atomic arsenal. I thought ours had been lost. It’s huge, Chani. It could change everything.
I could aim the bombs at the main Spice fields. He who can destroy a thing has the real control of it.”
Anabelle- “No no no!”
Me- “You wanted to end the Spice.”
Anabelle- “This is SO not a good plan.”
On accessing the Atomics:
*A bio scan of Paul is needed*
Anabelle- “This is like the Guardians Tower of Terror.
Now he goes ‘weeeee’ *Mimes falling*
I wonder what song he’s going to get?”
Anabelle and Me- “AAAAAaaaaahhhhh.”
Rosa- *shakes head sadly*
On Jessica sneaking in to the Water of Life drinking cave:
Jessica- “Listen carefully. Soon a man is going to visit your temple and he may want you to perform the rites.”
Fremen Priestess- “Reverend Mother, it is forbidden.”
Jessica- *using “The Voice”* “Let him try!”
Anabelle- “Oh Jeeeze. Stop doing that! She hasn’t done that since the last movie. 
I thought we were safe.”
On the new Harkonnen ruler’s attacks:
*Explosions are reported*
Anabelle- “Of what?”
Paul- “Seitch Tabr.”
Anabelle- “Oh no! What about the dead people water? 
Doesn’t that have another name?”
Rosa- “Who’s doing that?”
Anabelle- “The bald people.”
*Cut to “the bald people” as Feyd-Rautha takes command*
Feyd-Rautha- “Kiss my feet, brother.”
Anabelle- “What?”
Rabban- “I’m gonna eviscerate your…”
*Feyd-Rautha drops him*
Anabelle- “Did he just kick him in the nuts?”
Me- “I believe so.”
Rosa- “What is going on with this family?”
Anabelle- “They’re messed up.”
Rosa- “I see that.”
*The artillery is pounding the Fremen home*
Anabelle- *singing* “I feel this is going to send them into a bit of a spiral.”
*Evacuations are going*
Paul- “Chani, I can’t go with you. You know why.”
Anabelle- “I don’t want to drink worm pee.”
Gurney- “I’ll stay too.”
Paul- “Nobody…”
Anabelle- “Nobody likes you!”
Me- “Everyone likes him.”
Anabelle- “Well I don’t”
*a short bit of evacuating later*
Paul- “Bring your people to safety. And then I will do what must be done.”
Anabelle- “Drink the worm pee.”
*Chani’s friend is killed*
Anabelle- “Terrible! She was my favorite one. 
The only one besides Zendaya who isn’t an idiot.”
*The Fremen ride south on multiple Shai Hulud*
Anabelle- “Weeee! Look at all the wormies! 
About time.”


Anabelle said...

"Paul rides a worm, Anabelle complains"

sooooooooooo true lmfao that about sums up both movies

Jeff McGinley said...

Yeah, I guess I could have saved a bunch of posts and written that. Thanx for making it more fun though.