I forgot about the cool but terrible CGI
Optimus Prime on the menu page.
Sparkplug built a Frankenstein monster Autobot.
He expects it to do heroics and destruction. That’s gotta be horrifying for the
Autobots. Dude just took random bits of ALL OF THEM and welds them together while they watch. Then he tells them it’s for mind transference. Geeze.
Everyone still has multiple shooting rays and things, but they don’t really have different effects anymore.
HEY! Season Two Autobot roll call!
This time, (and pretty much ONLY this time) Optimus tells Spike and Bumblebee not to come. Spike comes on his own, making it his own decision when he almost dies.
The doctor working on Spike- “If only we could separate Spike’s mind from his body.” Where the hell did you go to medical school, Sir? Luckily Sparkplug is crazy and already has a badly put together robot to do this.
Autobot Spike
Everyone still has multiple shooting rays and things, but they don’t really have different effects anymore.
HEY! Season Two Autobot roll call!
This time, (and pretty much ONLY this time) Optimus tells Spike and Bumblebee not to come. Spike comes on his own, making it his own decision when he almost dies.
The doctor working on Spike- “If only we could separate Spike’s mind from his body.” Where the hell did you go to medical school, Sir? Luckily Sparkplug is crazy and already has a badly put together robot to do this.
Why is Spike so upset? I’d be thrilled to be a giant robot for a bit.
Ah, I see. The body he’s transferred into is inherently bad. Nice message for the kids there. Oh, look Frankenstein is on television now. Nice timing TV network. Seriously, now I want to see the entire adaptation of Frankenstein in Transformers animation.
Why can Spike fly? If you have spare foot jets, why not use them on the Autobots instead of Sparkplug’s disturbing project?
Oh, not only does this unholy experiment have jets, but it also has a massive arm cannon. Great idea Sparkplug. What is wrong with you?
Y’know, the Autobots forget they all have radios in them a lot.
Needing to be held in gun form forces Megatron to trust underlings…maybe it’s a design feature?
Ah, I see. The body he’s transferred into is inherently bad. Nice message for the kids there. Oh, look Frankenstein is on television now. Nice timing TV network. Seriously, now I want to see the entire adaptation of Frankenstein in Transformers animation.
Why can Spike fly? If you have spare foot jets, why not use them on the Autobots instead of Sparkplug’s disturbing project?
Oh, not only does this unholy experiment have jets, but it also has a massive arm cannon. Great idea Sparkplug. What is wrong with you?
Y’know, the Autobots forget they all have radios in them a lot.
Needing to be held in gun form forces Megatron to trust underlings…maybe it’s a design feature?
Decepticons retreat at the
first sign of the plan going wrong, just like Warner Brothers making superhero films.
Maybe this experience is why Spike has such an affinity for his suit in the movie? (I’m getting ahead of myself.)
Hey. The first focus on a character we
haven’t really met before. This will happen a lot as the show progresses.
Maybe this experience is why Spike has such an affinity for his suit in the movie? (I’m getting ahead of myself.)
Changing Gears
Optimus Prime doesn’t say, “Transform
and roll out” as often as you’d expect. Alas.
More brilliant Autobot tactics- they wait like an hour to attack after the humans are all out of the way.
Um, a power absorbing circuit plugs into Gears and causes a massive change in personality. Another aspect of easy mind control. I can’t wait for Sparks to be invented. (I'm getting ahead of myself.)
The sun will explode in two hours due to his new machine. Long range thinking is not Megatron’s forte.
Optimus- “I’m the only one who can do this.” Teeny Weenie Cliffjumper- *Does it and only suffers temporary amnesia and no physical harm.* So much for “the only one” there Optimus.
Whoah! Bumblebee took out Starscream AND Ravage. He is a warrior! There’s been an Autobot butt kicking upgrade in the off season.
Optimus Prime is truly a combat powerhouse when he finishes being stupid.
The Autobots on the nicer version of Gears, “We voted to keep his personality different.” Holy @#$%! You’re the good guys!
New York: the first real place the show
goes. New York sewers connect to the Decepticon underwater base? Or maybe it’s
a new base? They all look the same. That’s a heck of a huge base with their
resource problems. Where do they get all that purple metal?
More brilliant Autobot tactics- they wait like an hour to attack after the humans are all out of the way.
Um, a power absorbing circuit plugs into Gears and causes a massive change in personality. Another aspect of easy mind control. I can’t wait for Sparks to be invented. (I'm getting ahead of myself.)
The sun will explode in two hours due to his new machine. Long range thinking is not Megatron’s forte.
Optimus- “I’m the only one who can do this.” Teeny Weenie Cliffjumper- *Does it and only suffers temporary amnesia and no physical harm.* So much for “the only one” there Optimus.
Whoah! Bumblebee took out Starscream AND Ravage. He is a warrior! There’s been an Autobot butt kicking upgrade in the off season.
Optimus Prime is truly a combat powerhouse when he finishes being stupid.
The Autobots on the nicer version of Gears, “We voted to keep his personality different.” Holy @#$%! You’re the good guys!
City of Steel
How big is this thing? They
pulled the entire Empire State building underground!
And Spike comes along again.
Hydrofoils are used once more for reinforcements’ arrival, which is odd since the Ark is in the Pacific Northwest. If they’re coming from the water, that’s around the globe. The main group drove there from Washington.
That ginormous base is only ten feet under Central Park. Well done New York emergency services.
Decepticons knock down Optimus Prime and switch him off. That seemed kind of easy.
Megatron keeps his foe alive as a threat… instead of killing the only one that beats him regularly. The back story of their old friendship in Transformers One causes this show to make a lot more sense.
Ooh. They did cut Optimus up to bits though, because the Constructicons have a light saber. Megatron keeps Prime’s head to gloat at it, while its still alive. Charming individual.
They just evacuated ALL of New York in a couple of hours. Impressive.
Wait, Spike has an idea! He figured out the sewer connection. They’d all be dead a thousand times over without this kid.
Now we see why they cut up Optimus, they made his arm into a turret on the Empire State Building… and turned the rest of him into a robot alligator for the sewers. Like ya do.
And Spike comes along again.
Hydrofoils are used once more for reinforcements’ arrival, which is odd since the Ark is in the Pacific Northwest. If they’re coming from the water, that’s around the globe. The main group drove there from Washington.
That ginormous base is only ten feet under Central Park. Well done New York emergency services.
Decepticons knock down Optimus Prime and switch him off. That seemed kind of easy.
Megatron keeps his foe alive as a threat… instead of killing the only one that beats him regularly. The back story of their old friendship in Transformers One causes this show to make a lot more sense.
Ooh. They did cut Optimus up to bits though, because the Constructicons have a light saber. Megatron keeps Prime’s head to gloat at it, while its still alive. Charming individual.
They just evacuated ALL of New York in a couple of hours. Impressive.
Wait, Spike has an idea! He figured out the sewer connection. They’d all be dead a thousand times over without this kid.
Now we see why they cut up Optimus, they made his arm into a turret on the Empire State Building… and turned the rest of him into a robot alligator for the sewers. Like ya do.
Oh Wait, again, (this episode is nuts) they didn’t use
his legs for the alligator. Optimus can mentally summon his legs…
Wow, OK. Today’s brilliant trap is a big hole in the road. And the even more brilliant Hound and Prowl drive straight into it. (Correction from before. Hound is the Army Jeep, Prowl is a Datsun 280Zx Turbo... but also a police car, because "why not?")
Decepticon Battle Taxis? Looks like the idea of sparkless Vehicons (Beast Machines) is older than we thought. (I’m getting ahead of myself, again.)
Prime and friends rock climb the Empire State Building to reach the arm.
Spike- “They may need help!” Dude, you’re fifteen. How? Yes, you’ve noticed things none of them have repeatedly, but I don’t think climbing a skyscraper is in your wheelhouse.
Hey Prime, maybe mentally control your arm like you did your legs.
Oh, apologies once more, Spike. He went inside and taunted Megatron to lure him into shooting his own console which allowed Prime to mentally control his arm.
Hey, it's Buzzsaw! We’ve only seen Laserbeak, not his twin bird cassette. Probably since Buzzsaw came with Soundwave and they wanted the kids to buy the other toy. Clever.
Devastator plays Kong on the building, and they have the class to specifically call it out. I respect that.
Wow, they uncybertronized the entire city awful fast.
Bluestreak (Nissan Fairilady Z) has a bolo Grenade? That’s
The Decepticons have an effective Invisibility Spray. They never mentioned it before and never mention it again. Fine they’re invisible, but you’d think Teletran-One should have some kind of alarm to notice when the recharger units are completely modified and reprogrammed.Once again, likely because they are robots, we find mind control of these sentient beings is remarkably easy. Then again, mind controlling humans on this show is equally easy.
After the recharge mind control, Teletran-One shows it can detect evil. Gee Teletran, why didn’t you do that WHEN DECEPTICONS WERE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU FIDDLING WITH EQUIPMENT!!!
These sentient robots sure do treat Teletran-One like “just a machine.” I guess it’s all in the Sparks.(I’m getting ahead of myself… really. Sparks are another concept that shows up far later than I remembered.)
It’s OK. Bumblebee and Spike will save the day... again. Granted they remain fairly useless until the rest show up.
Well now, Optimus Prime splits into his three sections (robot, Roller and armed trailer) and they all need attitude exchangers to make them good again. That means they are three independently sentient beings. There are some exceedingly horrifying ramifications to that.
I know I said I wasn’t going to point
out art errors, but sometimes I gotta. Megatron is suddenly Devastator sized.
Why is there an out of nowhere and random suspicion of Mirage. (Indy car) Is it left over from the reprogramming last episode? Oh, its only Cliffjumper who is suspicious. Like he’s ever been useful.
Today Optimus goes down from a single Insecticon blast. Go figure.
Also, Megatron’s fusion cannon is also a fire extinguisher. Again, Go figure.
Mirage is not a traitor; he’s just seen Fist Full of Dollars too many times and tells NO ONE his plan. Moron.
Cliffjumper has gotten somewhat tougher. Well done little guy.
Oh no, now Mirage IS under Insecticon mind control. Meaning they will think he really is a traitor! GASP!
Oh, never mind, they cleared it all up immediately because these are short. Cliffjumper has learned his lesson that Mirage wasn’t in his right mind.
Wow, OK. Today’s brilliant trap is a big hole in the road. And the even more brilliant Hound and Prowl drive straight into it. (Correction from before. Hound is the Army Jeep, Prowl is a Datsun 280Zx Turbo... but also a police car, because "why not?")
Decepticon Battle Taxis? Looks like the idea of sparkless Vehicons (Beast Machines) is older than we thought. (I’m getting ahead of myself, again.)
Prime and friends rock climb the Empire State Building to reach the arm.
Spike- “They may need help!” Dude, you’re fifteen. How? Yes, you’ve noticed things none of them have repeatedly, but I don’t think climbing a skyscraper is in your wheelhouse.
Hey Prime, maybe mentally control your arm like you did your legs.
Oh, apologies once more, Spike. He went inside and taunted Megatron to lure him into shooting his own console which allowed Prime to mentally control his arm.
Hey, it's Buzzsaw! We’ve only seen Laserbeak, not his twin bird cassette. Probably since Buzzsaw came with Soundwave and they wanted the kids to buy the other toy. Clever.
Devastator plays Kong on the building, and they have the class to specifically call it out. I respect that.
Wow, they uncybertronized the entire city awful fast.
Attack of the Autobots
The Decepticons have an effective Invisibility Spray. They never mentioned it before and never mention it again. Fine they’re invisible, but you’d think Teletran-One should have some kind of alarm to notice when the recharger units are completely modified and reprogrammed.Once again, likely because they are robots, we find mind control of these sentient beings is remarkably easy. Then again, mind controlling humans on this show is equally easy.
After the recharge mind control, Teletran-One shows it can detect evil. Gee Teletran, why didn’t you do that WHEN DECEPTICONS WERE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU FIDDLING WITH EQUIPMENT!!!
These sentient robots sure do treat Teletran-One like “just a machine.” I guess it’s all in the Sparks.(I’m getting ahead of myself… really. Sparks are another concept that shows up far later than I remembered.)
It’s OK. Bumblebee and Spike will save the day... again. Granted they remain fairly useless until the rest show up.
Well now, Optimus Prime splits into his three sections (robot, Roller and armed trailer) and they all need attitude exchangers to make them good again. That means they are three independently sentient beings. There are some exceedingly horrifying ramifications to that.
Why is there an out of nowhere and random suspicion of Mirage. (Indy car) Is it left over from the reprogramming last episode? Oh, its only Cliffjumper who is suspicious. Like he’s ever been useful.
Today Optimus goes down from a single Insecticon blast. Go figure.
Also, Megatron’s fusion cannon is also a fire extinguisher. Again, Go figure.
Mirage is not a traitor; he’s just seen Fist Full of Dollars too many times and tells NO ONE his plan. Moron.
Cliffjumper has gotten somewhat tougher. Well done little guy.
Oh no, now Mirage IS under Insecticon mind control. Meaning they will think he really is a traitor! GASP!
Oh, never mind, they cleared it all up immediately because these are short. Cliffjumper has learned his lesson that Mirage wasn’t in his right mind.
WAIT! That’s not the
lesson. What are you doing?
Considering Autobots get mind controlled almost daily, the live action movie where humanity just straight up hated all Transformers is probably the most accurate.
Considering Autobots get mind controlled almost daily, the live action movie where humanity just straight up hated all Transformers is probably the most accurate.
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