Thursday, March 6, 2025

What If: The Show Figured Out What Made the Best Episodes...

 And then didn't stick the landing?

The What If show after three seasons finally grabbed on to the idea that the fun ones are the most enjoyable episodes. They followed that logic all the way through for the most part, then had a pointless, tragic, self sacrifice for the finale. 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Transformers Rewatch Original Season 2A

Season Two Part One DVD Set- 
I forgot about the cool but terrible CGI Optimus Prime on the menu page.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

Transformers Rewatch Original Season 1B

         S.O.S Dinobots
Wheeljack and Ratchet (Ambulance Minivan) create sentient life. No one is phased or even bats an electronic eye at this. Is that. Normal? Is that how Cybertronian reproduction works?  (Later on we will learn the answer is a resounding "NO")

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Litany of Godzilla – Lost Legendarys (C)

Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire

Sometimes I don't notice how much insane stuff happens in these films until I write them up like this.

This is truly a Kong story, but with proper deference to Godzilla as the King of Monsters.

Three years after their last fight, because they've finally started to "get it," 
we open on scenes of Kong and Godzilla with NO PEOPLE. WOO!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Transformers Rewatch Original Season 1A

Important note- Before I start making fun of these... 
Because they deserve it, a great deal. 
Know that as soon as the full rewatch is completed, I plan on watching them again, so I can fully focus on enjoying them without having to worry about taking notes.

More than Meets the Eye 1-3

In this pilot story Optimus Prime sounds even more like John Wayne than anywhere else, to the point of it being distracting. Glad Peter Cullen toned it down a bit. The opener on Cybertron with all the spacey looking alternate versions is the coolest bit of this introduction. We don’t get more Cybertron LORE for quite a while.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Bronx Zoo, Always There For Us

The Bronx Zoo has always been there for me, and the rest of my family. It was one of Rosa and my first dates. It's a place that always feels like home. 

We needed a break with some quiet time together, and, as always, the Zoo provided. The heavy traffic on the George Washington Bridge originally shown vanished by the time we reached it. Once we arrived at the Zoo, we had the place almost completely to ourselves. I don't think I've ever seen the Bronxdale Parking Lot that empty. 

Speaking of needing a break, here's some random photos I took instead of any detailed prose. The phone transfer did something weird and I lost a few. Including one of the coolest pictures I've ever taken there. Alas.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Transformers US Generation 1 Rewatch- Index


Here’s the episode index… 
Wow, this is going to take a while, isn’t it?
Down below this voluminous list are links to thoughts on more recent Transformers films and shows.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Skeleton Crew -Star Wars a New Generation

Skeleton Crew is not your father's Star Wars... but it has the same tone and themes as your father's Star Wars, because it was made by your father. 

Theoretically, this will make sense before I finish.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Transformers US Generation 1 Rewatch- Introduction

The Transformers cartoon was the lynchpin of my teenaged afternoons. Prior to that I began watching it when if first appeared on Sunday mornings, while syndicated animation was figuring out what to do with itself. 
Note- I'm pretty sure it was Sunday morning, but I can't find a reference that doesn't say "Saturday Morning" or "Weekdays." Maybe Sunday was only G.I. Joe? Being a teenager that early in the morning on weekends led to grogginess, but syndication was also highly variable back then. Your mileage may vary.

Regardless- the main viewing was after school, frequently with friends.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Disneyland 2024- Day 6: May 17

The App Is Useless Except We Didn't Use It Today 
But Pluto Picked A Favorite Family Member 
And It Is Me So Ha

With no Park reservation we slept until 9:30 on our last day. It still felt as completely disorienting as getting up before seven did on the rest of the days. I had no idea why a text related to a mid-day meeting back at work showed up before I arose. Clearly a week was not enough for my biological clock to adjust to a three-hour difference, particularly when starting out (and, honestly, continuing) with almost no sleep.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Y'know, It's Hard Not To Like This, Okay - December 19, 2024

Due to Anabelle having an afternoon final the last possible day, I continued my trend of enjoying "other people's" shows at the most famous venue in this country. Rosa and I went to see Andrea Bocelli's 30th Anniversary tour the second night he was at Madison Square Garden. She had wanted to see him since before we'd met, and the timing, location and everything else had never worked out before. Because of the ticket magic she had conjured for Anabelle, we had a credit in Ticketmaster when this show was announced. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Litany of Godzilla – Lost Legendarys (A)

Kong: Skull Island

This feeds into important ones later, meaning it earns this treatment without Godzilla, or other Toho creations. Not only that, it's a heck of a film! Or as Anabelle calls it "A Cinematic Masterpiece and One of My Favorite Movies Ever Made."